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Luz couldn't believe it, standing in front of her wearing a multi colored track uniform hanging out with Amity and it's friends was Hunter but something caught her eyes and they're eyes met.

Vee let a gasp of surprised as her eyes met hers too, none could believe this Luz can't believe this. She and this basilisk look a bit similar but the build and height are the same.

Amity and Hunter eyes widened in shock when they so Luz but what caught they're eyes was the new scar on her face, Hunter already knew who could have caused that as last night Lilith came to visit to talk with Eda about something and over heard they conversation about Luz being severally injured by uncle.

"I didn't know the new student could be that much of a copy cat."Luz smirked as she approached Vee who looked timid."I mean if I was you I would want to be me too."she said cockily and Hunter immediately stepped between.

"Leave her alone Luz."Hunter said glaring at her which just made Luz smirked more and poked her finger against his chest."you lost your privileged of spoking my name the moment you decide to drop your title at the Emperor's Coven for a bunch of nobodies."

"Count your happy days here you two sorry excuse for a Witch cuz I'll make sure to make both your lives miserable here especially you copy cat."Luz said left laughing, Amity watched to the side. She frowned seeing how much the Brunette change for the worst and Amity knew that there is good in her but now she's questioning that.

"Agh that brat really never change, still evil as ever."Boscha said which Gus and Skara couldn't agree more."come on Boscha you used to be just like her before."Willow said which made the pink haired witch turned to her crush and blushed, Gus, Skara and Vee laughed at that but Amity and Hunter, both are thinking about a certain brunette.

Luz went to class and of course all reported to her about everything that happened while she was absent, she held onto a crystal ball after the last witch done reporting to her.

"Oh so Hunter and that Vee girl are the adopted child of the Owl Lady huh."a smirk slowly made its way through her face."this will be so entertaining...."


It was lunch break and everyone or mostly everyone was at the cafeteria which was peaceful as everyone is minding they're business asking they're crushes out to be they're date for Grom night.

But the peace was soon replace the moment the students from Oracle Coven enter the cafeteria which made everyone immediately shut up and others to hide.

They wont towards the nerds table, the two other male oracle witches slammed they're hands on the table giving the nerds a threatening smirk which they took it a que and left.

Luz and the other oracle students or what some would call Luz's loyal servants sat down, 3 stay stood up as they went to get the entire group lunch using Luz's credit card which is a black card.

She really don't mind as she really didn't care that is until...

"Luzifer!"two familiar voice that got her in trouble that night spoke and she snapped her head facing the Blight Twins.

"Blight's!? How did you both..."Luz paused then just remembered that too and face palm herself."wow you have a new scar did Kikimora did that."the male twin said pointing towards her face which she slapped away.

"No like she can lay a hand on me and if she did she'll be killed on the spot."she said, then the female twin stood beside her wrapping her arms around her arm and rest her head against her shoulder.

"I remember that night too and I gotta say you were so brave."Emira said running her finger against her jaw, Luz didn't like being touch and immediately pulled away from her glaring at the twins."leave me alone!? Agh you two are unbearable."Luz growled and snapped her fingers, 2 male oracle witches stood up and step front while Luz just sat back down.

Amity who saw that immediately stood up and step at front of her siblings."how about we talk this through, I'm sorry if my sibling aggravated your boss."she said, her gaze went pass through them as she stared at Luz who is also staring back at her. Luz can see the look on Amity's eyes and looked away.

Amity then dragged her siblings away from the table, Amity know what she saw from those redish brown eyes of hers and she saw sadness and guilt the moment her eyes met hers. What is going on with you Luz? you really have no more hope of changing?

Luz watched her leave with Edric and Emira the moment she saw the disappointed look on Amity's eyes she felt sad and guilty but quickly shook those feelings away. Why would she feel something like that? It's not ike she and her are friends to begin with.

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