Ch11:The Titans Child Rage

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Weird spell circles appear just right above her with the sky turning dark red, this is what everyone would call the Titan's Child Rage. This already happen before but that was so so long ago like many thousands years ago and this just show how powerful this chosen child of the Titan and they're all witnessing it.

Thunder and lightning begin to appear too along with the strong gush of wind. The commotion alarmed the teachers so those the Emperor, Belos who immediately saw this quickly ordered The Golden Guard, Lilith and Kikimora to handle the commotion.

He isnt happy as it's happening again, Belos gripping his arm chair tight and it looks like a punishment like before won't be enough for her to learn her lesson.

Arriving at the commotion, the Emperor's Coven members had a hard time getting through the lava walls, something was forming because of the strange spell circle. It was like the Titan's skeleton but only upper half is shown, Luz commanded its skeletal arm to swing and hit those witches in black and if there is one that would interfere would be push back by the lava walls.

Hunter successfully made pass the lava wall then a sudden gush of strong wind tried to pushed him away as he is trying to get to her, Amity can see that the Golden Guard is having a hard time and decide to help.

Summoning an Abomination, Amity commanded them to help the Golden Guard. Hunter saw that is thankful, finally getting close to the brunette he tried to get a hold of her when she suddenly snapped at him causing his mask to be knocked off and him to be almost sent to the lava if the abomination didn't caught him.

Luz gaze suddenly soften when a sudden vision appear causing her head to pound in pain, the spell she casted broke and another powerful lightning strikes along with a powerful roar of the thunder. The lightning almost strike towards Hunter who shut his eyes tight but pain didn't came to him and open his eyes only for it to wide in shock.

The Silver Guard shielded him using her body, the lightning striked her at the back. It wasn't enough to kill her but just it stunt her and fell to the ground completely knocked out. The lava walls disappear but the cracks didn't, Hunter was panting hard and still in shock but immediately went towards Luz.

She was still knocked out and Hunter picked her up, he didn't know why she protect him but he did saw her gaze soften back there. Did something happen like this before? He dosen't know but he is glad that it's over. Amity walked over to them and stared at the knocked out brunette.

"Is she going to be okey?"she asked and Hunter turned to her."for someone who hate I'm sure, you seem to care."he said chuckling a bit and Amity frowned, even tho she hates her she still care for she is just a kid and she knew that something must have happened to her that made her act like what she is now."don't worry she'll be fine no amount of lightning would be enough to kill this young tyrant."he said as he noticed her expression.

Lilith approached them, both can see the worry written all over the older witches face knowing very well out of everyone since Luz was a kid shes the only one that ever cared for her like her own child.

{A/N:Eda would appear here soon}

"Let's take her back to the Castle, I'll immediately contact the head of the Healing Coven."she said and Hunter nobbed his head, Kikimora went towards the staff the Silver Guard own."so Luzifer's staff broke?"there was a paused for the moment.

"Her name is Lucifer?!"Amity said in shock and the 3 turned to her."it's pronounced Lu-zi-fer my protege."Lilith said explaining the Silver Guard's name pronounce, now that Amity knew that was seem to be just a good black mail.

"You must promise no one must know this Blight."Hunter said and Amity just slowly nobbed her head and watched them walk away.

Now that was just easy, she finally know the Silver brat's name and she can use that as a blackmail to tame her, then maybe just maybe she can make the kid change.

A/N:She knows, now she knows. Luz you fool better prepare.

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