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The next day came by and Luz was just done changing into her uniform but as she about to head to school a guard blocked her way.

"What?"she sternly asked as she glared up at them."the Emperor wishes for your presence."it said with it's tone hinting they're afraid which made Luz sighed and signed them to lead the way.

Upon finally arriving at the Emperor's throne Luz was left alone with Belos and is now wondering what is it that he wanted this time."what is it that you need Belos?"she asked as she looked up at him.

"I've had thought this through I have decided to pull you out from Hexide."he said which caused Luz eyes to widened and looked at him in shock."what!? You can't do that."

"And why is that? Luzifer."he question as he stood up and approached her."I...I finally made a friend..."

"A friend? Dont make me laugh Luzifer, how are you sure this friend you call really thought of you as a friend?"

"I know for sure because I think they're starting to like me."she said, Belos let out a chuckled."Like you? Plz Luzifer don't make me laugh. Who will like someone like you?"

"No one will ever like you because your the Titan's child, so stop deceiving yourself."He said and grabbed her by the arm which made Luz slightly winced."now get changed I have better things for you to do."

"No."Luz said pulling her arm away from him and stepped back."No?"

"I said no Belos, I don't want to act like this anymore I want to experience being a kid my age."never in millennia would Belos witnessed this, to see the brunette going against him now which didn't go to his liking.

"You were never a kid anymore to begin with Luzifer."he spoke in a cold manner of tone which caused Luz to stiffen in her place and looked up at him."the moment you stained those hands of yours with the blood of your enemies you already lost the privilege of calling yourself a kid."

"That is also the reason why no one would ever love you, accept you like I do and what do you think will those so called friends yours would think the moment they learned everything about you."this made Luz froze in place and eyes wide in shock, Belos knew Luz is smart and strong too as well but he knew that the brunette is still confused about everything that is happening and he is going to use that against her till it breaks her.

"I don't think they would accept that especially since it's you, what I'm doing is actually for your own good Luzifer the only one you can trust here is me and right now I know your confused which side you should listen but always remember."he continues and lifted her chin slightly up to make her look him at the eyes."that it's only me on your side and the only one here that accept the true you and it's this."

Belos eyes glowed green as his palm turned red, Luz isn't aware of Belos messing with her mind like what he would always do when he felt like she is already learning to go against him like for example, this. Belos eyes turned back to normal and his palm stopped glowing and pulled her into an embrace which she returned.

"Your like a daughter to me Luzifer, I just dont want you to be like your brother who choose to be with a couple of traitors over his own family."

"I understood Belos, I'm sorry."she said and Belos just caressed her head."it's fine my child now go ahead and change since you are not going to that school as what you always wanted."he said and Luz smiled gently and nobbed her head before walking back to her chamber.

Belos took a deep sighed and then went towards the curtain which is behind is a bird cage where a blue sparrow is trapped inside."She wont be needing you anymore blue friend for she will soon forget about you and those other distraction."he said, Its that he do something as he can't let this go on any further.

A/N:It's coming closer, the chapter we all been waiting for which is about Luz|Silver Guard suffering so stay tuned everyone 😊😊

A/N:It's coming closer, the chapter we all been waiting for which is about Luz|Silver Guard suffering so stay tuned everyone 😊😊

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