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Luz is confused, is this how it feels to having people to talk too without having them look at you in fear or any other intentions? Is this how it feels to be...just free. She sat beside them all talking and laughing? Luz is literally confused to why she is having so much fun talking to them all.

"Your not so bad Silver Guard."Boscha said smiling patting her back which made an oof came out from Luz's mouth."y-you think so?"she asked didn't know how to respond from that."yeah, so friends?"Gus said handing his hand to her.

Luz look at his hand for a second and then back up."I..sure."she said smiling slightly till the Bell rang and she stood up."yeah it was..nice talking to you all, I guess you guys aren't that bad too."she replied and left. She still is confused to why would they want to be her friend after having just a short bond like that, she really dosen't understand them but she did felt happy.


All classes ended pretty early and of course all are still afraid of her which she really didn't care. She was about to head home as she hop on her staff.

"Dad!"she paused and turned to look at her side, a child was running up to there father who immediately carried them. Then there it is again the same feeling she felt before, Luz gripped her staff and just headed home.

Once she was home she head immediately to her room and change, she sat down on her study table and grabbed the closes book beside her and read some. Luz still remember what she saw earlier, she's feeling the same jealousy she felt before towards a child and a mother but why? She has everything but why dose it feel like something is missing?

Luz shot her book and decided to go around to clear her mind so she put on her mask and left her room. As she walk down the halls she was meet by Hunter the two haven't talk to each other since yesterday, Luz dosen't feel like talking to anyone as her mind is completely filled with questions and confusion and as she is about to just walk pass him she was stopped by him."Luzifer."Hunter called out and she turned to him.

"What?"she asked in a low tone then catch the thing Hunter tossed to him."Happy Birthday."he said which caused Luz's eyes to widened and watched Hunter walk off. She looked down at the thing Hunter tossed to her and unwrapped it.

It was a bird or more like a blue sparrow, Then it finally hit Luz today is her birthday meaning she's already 15 and this thing Hunter gave her is a palisman. But why? She's been cruel to him and most of all to everyone, Luz is really confused and quickly returned to her room.

She looked at the palisman that suddenly came to life, it had a scar on its beak Hunter must have slipped while making it but then again he might had done it purposely. It tweeted on her lap as it tilted it's head to the side."stupid bird."she smiled sadly then all of a sudden it turned into a staff which surprised Luz, she looked outside her window looking at the slowly setting sun.

Knock Knock

Luz turned her gaze towards the door and immediately the blue sparrow change it's form."Hide you stupid bird."she said and it hide somewhere at the room, Luz cleared her throat and walked towards the door opening it wide.

"Ms. Clawthorne, is there something you need?"she asked and Lilith was surprised at the sudden manner but cleared her throat."no but here."she said, Luz received yet another gift."happy 15th birthday, Luzifer."she said then left.

Luz closed the door behind and unwrapped the thing and lift the lid, it was a necklace shape like a pendulum."they both remember my birthday....even I almost forgot it."she said removing her mask and place it down on the table and walked towards the mirror removing the dust and stared at her reflection.

Remembering that day..the same day she got the scar, she place her middle finger and index finger against the scar on her face. Luz shot her eyes tight as her head begin to pound in pain causing her to take a couple of step back and hit her back against the tower of books causing it to fall along with her.

"I don't know what to do anymore....."she muttered and hugged her knees as tears begin to escape her eyes silently crying, the blue sparrow saw that and flew down landing just on her shoulder trying to comfort her which Luz really appreciate.'guess happy birthday to me.....'

A/N: picture not mine

A/N: picture not mine

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