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The day trip to the Emperor's Castle has arrived and everyone is excited well everyone but Amity and Vee, everyone that had come to this trip had lined up principal Bump had told everyone few rules before entering the castle and after he was done Kikimora the right hand man of the emperor came and begin the tour.

Amity and Vee looked at each other before nobbing they're heads knowing exactly what they need to do both already talk about what to do first and that is to get the thing that can help Eda from removing her cursed and of course Lilith is there waiting for them.

So the 2 separated from the line and made they're way somewhere with Vee guiding the way. Finally arriving there where Lilith is waiting the two approached the olded witch."okey Vee we only have 10 minutes before Kikimora and the other get to this place, Amity follow me."Lilith said, Amity and Vee looked at each other.

"Be sure to be careful Vee."she said."I will, you should too."Vee replied before entering the room, Now Amity is left with Lilith who is now beginning to lead her to where the Silver Guard is.

Hunter who was still in the line begin to look for the basilisk but can't spot her, this made Hunter immediately have a bad feeling as something is about to happened not good and immediately left the line. He was walking backwards when he suddenly felt a his back hit something or more like someone and slowly he turned around.

"Hi~"then he black out.


Vee was searching everywhere and finally found it, the hat that can heal any sickness, injuries and most of all any curses that she knew will removed Eda's curse.

As she begin to take a couple of steps Vee suddenly felt like she was being watch and looked around her surroundings found a silhouette moving around the darkness.

"Who's there? Show yourself."Vee said readying to draw a circle on the air, she heard clapping and footsteps and coming out from the dark was none other than..."Luz.."

Luz chuckled and smirked."just to what I have predicted, you did come and it seem that your not alone."Vee was confused to what she meant about that until coming out from the darkness too was Hunter, Lilith and Amity. They are being restrained by some tentacles made from flesh and Vee glared at her.

"Let them go!"exclaimed Vee but Luz didn't feel intimidated but just laughed."oh I will basilisk not until you sent the Owl Lady a message from the Emperor."Luz said, Vee was lifted off the ground as she was glowing red."here she might believe you that I have this 3 useless beings you can inform the other Blight's too, Byeee!"

Vee then was sent back to the Owl House in an instant, this leaves the 3 alone with Luz and she turned to face them."I would have expected this 2 would be dumb but you Lilith...i thought you were different from them but I guess your all the same."

"Luz stop this, what Belos has told you it's all a lie."Lilith said."she's right Luz, Uncle is lying to us to you. He never really cared about you nor us!"Hunter exclaimed then Amity spoke next."Luz I know this isn't the real you, you really don't want to hurt anyone your just being forced by him!"

Luz felt her head throbbing from what they all are saying and levitated them forward."shut up! Shut up! Stop fucking messing with my head."she growled with her eyes glowing red through the mask. Luz is already predicting that the owl lady would be here any minute and went outside.

"Luz plz listen it's Belos who is messing with your head not us, I'm sorry if I wasn't there to stop him from making you like this."Lilith said tears already escaping her eyes but Luz left that deal ear."I don't really care, after the Owl Lady is caught you along with that basilisk and this traitor's will be petrified."she said and now outside, The sky was beginning to turned dark as they waited not to long tho as the badge she gave Vee as a proof was sent flying towards her but she easily dodge it.

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