Ch19:Witches Duel Gone Wrong

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Standing at the middle of the arena at both opposing side, Lilith was standing on a make shift stage she is nervous not for Luz but for Amity as she knew the Silver Guard better and how ruthless she is maybe more ruthless than the Emperor itself but then again it was the Emperor who raised the kid, to become ruthless and tyrant just like him. Lilith wouldn't have joined the emperor's coven if she didn't need it to find a cure for her sister's curse.

{A/N:in this AU Lilith wasn't the one who cursed her sister but instead somebody else, anyways on to the story}

After the principal gave off it's speech it was now her turn, magically taking off the cloak and her mask letting it hang on the principal who walked away not to happy about that happening Lilith put on a fake smile which she did so well.

"Greetings students of Hexide."she greeted with a smile proudly looking around the arena."I hope you all aware of a duel that no one would have seen before."she paused to cleared her throat as she's really nervous about this duel."between my now apprentice and used to be apprentice."Lilith said and stepping forward beside her was none other than Luz, all the students that was there was on her side knowing pretty well she will win this.

Among the audience was Hunter, Vee and Amity's friends all nervous about what is about to happen. Hunter is the most nervous one as he knows what Luz can do with or without magic as he saw it with his own two eyes like 3 years ago.

It was afternoon of the day and a 14 years old Hunter was walking just around the hall when he suddenly heard someone groaning in pain and hide, he peaked to what is going on and stared at the scene in horror.

Standing with a bloody hands and clothes surrounded by 6 assassin's that are now dead was none other than a 12 year old Luz and dropped the sword she had used and turned her head to the side, her redish brown eyes met Hunter's ruby eyes....

Ever since that day he can't look at Luz the same again even tho those redish brown eyes are gone that 3 years image before are still printed in his mind.

Back down at the arena, Amity is nervous even tho there is an age gap and she's a prodigy at abomination and has her fire magic Amity still knew she has disadvantage here. She literally know that the brunette can fight her with or without magic and she witnessed it last month back at the Knee.

"Okey kid remember what I thought you?"Eda asked as she placed her hand on the mint haired Witch head."yeah but I don't know if it would work, she's really fast and really as in really flexible."Amity said which is true that Luz is really flexible like she dosen't even had any bones.

"Oh you'll be fine and if things get out of hand me and Lilith are here to stop her."she said and that made Amity relaxed a bit and looked to her front, she can see that smug smirk on the brunette's face and she just wants to erase it.

"Let's not hold this for to long and let the duel begin."said Lilith.

Amity was the first one to make a move and summoned about 5 abomination and commanded them to attack, Luz draw her staff and used teleportation to dodge the abomination's attack and blasted 2 of them and teleported away again dodging another attack which was flames that came from the Blight.

Okey Amity calm down I know that she has the ability to predict my every move but if I calm down and just act randomly I could counter her and used that spell...

She thought and took a few deep breaths but was cut off short when Luz teleported just right behind her."your done!"Luz exclaimed trying to knock the Blight out but Amity immediately did a swift move and used her abomination goo as her shield to prevent the attack.

Everyone is surprised so those Luz can't believe that she can predict where she's teleporting next, Amity then get a grab of her staff which surprised Luz more as she didn't predicted that happening. Amity then formed a spike knuckle using her abomination goo and hit Luz straight on the gut pushing the brunette away from her and immediately wrapped abomination goo around her.

"You got her now kid use it!"Eda exclaimed and Amity nobbed her head and is about to use it when Luz begin to use teleportation to get out of her strain and it work."your good Blight but not enough to defeat me."she said then immediately teleported right behind her, Amity expected her to hit her with that staff but then all of a sudden there was an explosion made just above them causing the chunks of the ceiling to fall when Amity shut her eyes tight as she thought she was about to get crash by the bits of the rocks but instead Luz out of reflexes tackled Amity down and protected her from the falling rocks a few crash on her back which made Luz winced in pain but didn't dare to move.

Everyone that was there let out a loud gasp on surprised and some scream in horror, Boscha, Willow, Gus, Skara, Vee and Eda even Hunter and Lilith were surprised when Luz protected Amity. There was a thick dust that slowly went away and Amity soon opened her eyes but they wide in shock when she looked up to see the same Silver brat above her, head bleeding. Did she just save me?why?

"G-guess you owe me your l-life now l-low life..."was the last thing Luz said before completely passing out on top of her with her blood staining her shirt, Amity held on to her body and saw blood staining the brunette's back too from the damage. Coming down from the hole above were a couple of assassin's.

"Hand us the kid Blight."said that assassin, Amity looked at them then back at Luz then back to them."no."Amity said sternly and summoned a huge abomination like a tsunami drowning them. Amity dosen't know this but there is something inside her just made her want to protect the brunette, is it guilt? She don't know."this is the 2nd time a witches duel gone wrong."Bump said but was just ignore by Lilith and Eda who went towards the two kids and immediately Healing witches came along with a stretcher to take the injured Silver Guard away but before that Amity first unbounded the oath between them and watched the Healers take the brunette away go the Healing Coven.

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