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She returned back to the castle and she felt really dirty and needs a bath, Luz dosen't have time to spoke to Belos about what had happened nor she could show herself like this especially with the blood of that slithering beast still on her. As she walked pass some guards she can hear them whispered something about her of course but she choose to ignore them and just returned to her chamber. She took off her clothes but hissed when she felt her side hurt and looked at the mirror, there was a bruise that is forming which was caused by the beast from earlier, Luz sighed and decided to ignore I and went to take a bath.

After she was done cleaning herself she put on her sleeping attire and headed to bed and get some good night sleep, or is it.


It was already morning and of course it would start off peaceful no chaos is yet done...that is until


Luz's sudden yelling was heard from almost at the entire Castle causing some to stop but then go back to what they are doing again.

"There is no way in hell I'm going to school! It's already boring enough I have to deal with those coven heads."Luz said not caring if she bother anyone that is sleeping to how loud she is as Luz isn't going to agree on going to one.

"Luzifer.."Belos said in a harsh mellow tone as he narrowed his eyes towards the brunette who immediately shut her mouth up and looked down."I know you don't want to but considered this as your punishment for flunking out from your training time to time."he said before standing up walked towards her, Luz tensed up at her stand as her chin was lifted up making her looked at him directly.

"The Titan and I expected so much from you too Luzifer, I am just preparing you too since you are the future Heir it's only reasonable for you to get to know you're surroundings and of course.."he paused before continuing."find possible alliances at your side."

"But don't expect having friends....or finding love, they're just a distraction a weakness. Making the strongest weak, so remember Luzifer."Belos placed his hand on her shoulder before tightening his grips on it."loves are for fools, it's better to be hated as long as you are feared."

Luz stiffen at her place as she gripped her fist tightly fighting the urge to tremble in fear and bite her lip hard to release any sound of fear. Even tho Belos couldn't see it he knew very well that she is afraid but he is amused that she is trying to hide it, it might have fooled the rest but not him.

"I already have Lilith fixed your enrollment, I expected you to do your very best Luzifer so dont disappoint me."he said and Luz hanged her head low letting go of her grip on her fist before replying."I understood Belos."

"Good, tomorrow will be the first day of you attending school now go back to work."he said and Luz nobbed her head in response then left the room.

She gripped her staff hard so those her fist as she clenched her teeth, she hated it, hated the way he always remind her about those things but just like how others are afraid of her to spoke their own terms, Luz too feared Belos even tho she really wanted to say it on his face how she hates him but her fear from him over powers the hate the most.

Luz went back to her room since hse had nothing better to do she thought she might as well spend it on reading some books, she knows she told Hunter to stop studying wild magic and they are also warned by Belos not to study it but....

She is doing it, she's studying about it secretly cuz not even Belos knew about nor Hunter nor anyone else and there is a reason for that and that because,,,her room is much more messier than Hunter's like there are more piles of books and papers everywhere that it looked like some small crowded library now tho the thing crowding the room is the books and papers which she prefer more than or just because she's lazy. Maybe that's it.

Then there was suddenly a knock on her door, she closed the book and headed towards the door opening peaking through the cracks. It was none other than Lilith.

"Oh hey Lilith, you here about me going to school am I right?"she said looking at the woman with raised brow and Lilith isnt much surprised that she predicted that."yes, I enrolled you to Hexide it's where I once attend at and here's your schedule."she said and handed her a paper, Luz checked her schedule.

Luz isn't much surprised if she is placed to oracle knowing already that she would be place there cuz knowing Belos, he sure would reason about it being a use for her prediction. Like she needs silly crystal balls for that but like she can argue about it either.

"Yeah thx can't wait for tomorrow."she said, Lilith stared at the Silver Guard. Even tho her face is completely covered by the mask she know that the Brunette is sad and anxious, she is still a kid after all and thats normal but she's guessing its not normal for her."anyways I'll be going back to my work now, you should too Luzifer."she said and walked away and luz closed the door behind her and went towards her bed and sat down on before removing her mask and cloak.

Going to a school knowing very well that the girl from yesterday attended the same school too along with those other witches that she guessed are the Blight's friends will be there too and she is already predicting that trouble is about to come to Hexide, as she would be the one bringing it.

A/N:I'll update soon...soon...

Made this from some site at Pinterest, can't remember what it's called but it's really cool

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Made this from some site at Pinterest, can't remember what it's called but it's really cool.

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