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The night of the Grom night has come now finding no one worth it to attend Grom as her partner Luz decided to come alone, this is her first night actually attending Grom and she isn't all the excited about it but Belos wanted to make it grand for her when she arrived there.

She is right now inside a golden and silver carriage, she is wearing an all grey suit and a yellow long sleeve shirt inside, her hair was slick back which was done by Lilith. She is also attending the Grom to supervise her.

Upon finally arriving everyone was starring at the gold and silver carriage and the first to came out of the carriage was Lilith then escorted Luz out next. Everyone was staring at the brunette, no gonna lie but everyone always find the brunette attractive but none could say that to her face when she's too busy insulting them ir making them feel low.

Lilith and Luz entered Hexide and went to the school's gym where the party is about to being held and just like from outside everyone is staring at her and Luz just didn't care.

"Wow Silver Guard looking good."Luz heard a familiar voice and turned around and was met up with the male Blight twin."good evening to you too Blight's."she said with no hint of insult or mockery in her tone instead talk in a manner of conversation.

"You ready to face Grom oh might Grom Queen?"Edric say which made Luz chuckled but smirked."I don't know but I guessing I am for I amthe Titan's child of course."she said cockily but Edric took it like some kind of joke and laughed which made Luz laughed too till her eyes spotted a familiar mint haired.

Amity spotted her too but the two avoided eye contact, they still can't face each other about what happened earlier this afternoon but Amity finally decided who to ask after a long time of thinking it through she had decided that the one she'll be asking about Luz is Lilith. She knew she could Hunter but she doubt the boy would know much about the brunette so she'll go with option B and ask Lilith.

The real event hasn't started yet and everyone is already getting a drink of apple blood, dancing or having just a conversation. Luz was left alone after Edric and Emira excuse themselves probably going to look for theyre dates and just stayed to where she is.

"Aren't you going to make friends Luzifer?"Lilith asked looking at the brunette who lool at her then back at the crowd."Belos won't be to happy if he found out I made friends and lecture me about it."she replied which made Lilith sighed and watched Luz walked excusing herself to get some fresh air. After watching Luz walked off Amity took it a chance and walked towards her mentor.

"Good evening miss Lilith."Amity greeted the older witch who looked at her and smiled gently."Good evening to you too Amity, having fun?"Lilith response with the greet and ask which Amity replied with a nob then spoke.

"Yeah but if you don't mind me asking.."Lilith can see that the young Blight is hesitant and sighed."go ahead, I bet whatever it is it has something to do with Luz am I right?"

Amity is surprised but nobbed her head anyways and spoke."it's just I want to know what could possibly happen to Luz that made her what she is today....."

"I know im not in the right to know so but I want to understand her, to be her friend cuz I know even if she act like what she usually act I know that wasn't the real her and deep inside she's a good person and just misunderstood."

That was a surprise and Lilith had never heard anyone asking that especially if the reason about it is about Luz, Lilith sighed and leaned her back against the wall.

"It all started when she was 3 and is close with Hunter back then too, at that time Luz barely had any control of her magic till she and Hunter decided to sneak out to play."Lilith said as Amity listen, this leave Amity thought That if Luz and Hunter used to be close then what happened?

Till that question was answered as Lilith continued."but that bound was soon torn apart when that accident happened."

"What accident?"Amity asked and Lilith sighed."Hunter begged Luz to use her magic and both them knew she is forbidden too but Luz being a child and really young she agreed and did so and lose control."

"The scar on Hunter's face is the result of that fault, we all know even the Emperor knew that it was an accident but it didn't stop him from giving Luz that scar. That very first scar that soon begin to be followed by another."Amity felt like crying hearing this as she didn't know this is what the brunette had been experiencing in life."he made a kid believe his every words, he made her believe that he is the only one in the entire world that loved her that is better to be hated as long as she is feared."

"Now I understand what she meant about losing her childhood that she never get to have...why she said being born as the Titan's child is the word thing that ever happened to her."Amity said looking down which Lilith noticed."some will say that she's lucky but I think it's all that are lucky, you don't have to suffer the things she had to endure."

There was a moment of silence until Principal Bump head on the stage with Gus and the domestic demon, the party had already reached its climax as it's now time for the Grom Queen to face grom.

A/N:Leave one 😠 emoji for me because I'm going to make Luz|Silver Guard suffer the next chapter

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