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"You were never the Titan's child Luz but the daughter of the once Titan's child...Lucia Camila."

That hit Luz like a ton of bricks as her eyes widened in horror, she was not the Titans child but the daughter of the once was. Hunter looked at Luz then back at Belos glaring at him.

"Don't fucking lie Belos, who could the every word you say now."Hunter growled but Belos sighed.

"No Hunter I will never lie at that fact, especially when it involves the woman I loved."he said, Luz was still frozen at her spot she dosen't know what is going on anymore as she is really confused and felt her head throb again which she held it tightly and dropped to the ground.

"Bullshit! Don't you use the word love whenever know what it really means in the first place."Hunter exclaimed."you really are his son, like father like son I guess."Belos said then his arm immediately shifted into its sharp sludge form moving in a fast pace but it felt like a slow motion for Luz, it was all falling into pieces for her everything has finally come to light.

Hunter shut his eyes tightly waiting for the attack but it didn't come instead he opened them immediately to found Luz, she was standing in front of him and her staff was glowing  stopping Belos sharp sludge arm from stabbing Hunter don't it didn't stop it from cracking the mask.

"It's over Belos you lost."She said then immediately Luz shot the ceiling above and quickly scooped Hunter off the ground using her staff and threw her out."Go save Eda and Lilith I'll deal with Belos!"she exclaimed then turned to Belos, Hunter wanted to stay and help but he has to save Eda and Lilith first.

Hunter spotted the others fighting off some guards and the statue is about to petrified Eda and Lilith when Hunter immediately pulled out a plant glyph and threw towards the statue."Hunter?! I thought your going to face Luz?"question Edric.

"Facing Belos she's on our side now, you guys take care of the guards I'll take care of Kikimora."He said which they all agreed and took care of the guards. This are all being broadcast on a crystal ball and everyone is seeing in the entire Boiling Isles.

Hunter slammed his staff against Kikimora and slap his plant glyph on the small demon restraining it and immediately turned to the stone that is about to petrified Eda and Lilith, he was too far away and as he thought it was too late vines immediately came out of nowhere knocking the statue down and those who did it was none other than Willow who seem to brought some back up with her.

"Hope were not to late."she smirked and Hunter let out a tired chuckled."not really."


While back inside, Luz is having a hard time keeping up with Belos as Belos is more experience than her tho there is always a saying that a student always up do they're master and that is just what about Luz will do if it weren't from the burning feeling her entire body is giving.

Luz continue to shot blast after blast and teleported as she too tried to slam her staff against him but as always it will just go through him and ending up getting hit instead.

"Give up now Luzifer, if your mother couldn't beat me. How can you?"

"Shut up! All my life you made me believe everything you said, you made shoulder such name when it dosen't belong to me in the first place."Luz felt her emotions are eating her up and felt the throbbing of her heart worst."you took away my childhood, my innocence you made my stein my hands with your enemies blood! You made me a monster!"

By this time her eyes are now red and black as her fangs got sharper along with her nails that turned black, her skin beginning to darken an her hair is turning dark yellow.

"Luzifer you need to calm down."Belos said seeing as the brunette is begin to take shape of a smaller Titan."nO! I wont let you control me anymore!"she exclaimed gripping her staff, her speed increases and immediately teleported behind him and swing her staff hard hitting Belos sending against the wall causing to make a crack on it.

"I'm done being everyone's prisoner, I wont let you trap me in your lies!"her staff burned from her grips turning the thing to dust as she let out an inhumane roar which alarmed everyone. Luz continues to pant heavily as she continued to shape shift into something.

Belos was still stunned by her attack but luckily Kikimora was immediately there and guided Belos out of there and lead them both to safety leaving Luz dealing with the excessive pain all around her entire body.

Everywhere around the castle has now begin to crumble, Luz body begin to turn hotter and hotter and screamed in pain. Hunter and the others after freeing Eda and Lilith all went to check up to what is going on and found terrifying discovery.

"LUZ!"Amity, Hunter and Lilith exclaimed and tried to get close but a green of flame prevented them which is caused by Luz who lifted her head.

"S-stay back...grah!"she growled."l-lilith I'm sorry."she hissed as the pain continues while the entire room begin to shake."I'm sorry everyone f-from everything, AH!"


There was a blinding light that came but as quick as it came it also quickly disappear. Luz had turned completely into a gigantic demon beast that looked similar to a Titan and let out a loud roar. Everyone watched in horror especially Lilith, they all thought it's already they're end but no. Luz still was in her senses as she is fighting the beast from completely taking over and immediately casted a spell, water chains begin to risen and bounded herself.

She let out a roar of struggling but the chains continue to drag her till another chains wrapped around her body and completely pulled her under the depts of the ocean. The sky has turned completely dark now while Eda and the other returned to the Owl House and crashed as they are to heavy.

"Eda! Edalyn!"Hunter, Vee, King and Lilith went towards Eda who is still in her Owl beast form."I'm sorry...not only I failed Luzifer but I also failed you."Lilith said and held her sisters face and leaned her forehead against hers."I should have done this along time ago, With the spell declared let the pain be share."Lilith said and casted that spell, they're was a glowing light and both were lifted off the ground as Eda slowly reverted back to normal and both gently landed on the ground holding each other."could you still use magic?"Vee asked and Eda tried by making a magic circle only for it to turned to dust."Nope, guess I'll have to get used to this."

"I felt that I have weakened as well."Lilith said then looked at the sky."what about Luz?"Amity asked as she looked at her mentor and the Owl Lady, her eyes were stained by tears and they still are."we will find her Amity, I don't know how long it will take but we will find her."Lilith said placing her hand on Amity which soon Amity embrace the woman, Hunter too joined the hug and soon the others also joined too.

A/N:and that's it, this is the end and seens the majority both is on the title "Love Like You" I will immediately work on the part two of this book, Byeee!

A/N:and that's it, this is the end and seens the majority both is on the title "Love Like You" I will immediately work on the part two of this book, Byeee!

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