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A/N:If I held a knife.... should I throw it to those who pissed me off or just put it back to it's place?


Next day....

Luz slowly awoke from the sound of her alarm clock that Belos bought for her say to 'help her' wake up more early by the means early means woke up right at 5 f*cking am. Which pissed off Luz as she barely slept last night with doing duty left and right and had to train to enhance her combat skills.

Anyways,,,,Luz get off her bed and went to get ready for the day......


It was the talk at the entire Bonesborough about the Silver Guard, the same Silver Guard would be attending Hexide by the request of the Emperor itself and everyone at the entire Bonesborough are already guessing the purpose about it. Right, everyone especially in Bonesborough hated the Silver Guard for because of its past actions, till now and even Amity Blight and her friend's especially Gus who rarely hates anyone begin to hate the kid too because of it's attitude and lack of empathy but Amity cant really still shake the thoughts about those kids scars as the question repeat in her mind but no answer is given.

"...amity...amity....AMITY!"the youngest Blight snapped from her thoughts when she immediately heard her jackass friend called out for her."what?"

"Haven't you heard what I said?"Boscha looked at her with her eyes narrowing towards her."no, no I didn't."she replied causing the pink haired Witch to sighed and us about to say something when the doors of the Hexide suddenly opened letting in a sudden strong gush of wind causing everyone to turned.

Standing right at the door way was none other than the Silver Guard itself, even tho without the mask anyone can tell she is the Silver Guard because of the familiar staff and aura. The halls begin to grew quiet as the Silver Guard begin to made its way inside now. Noticing her uniform Amity and so those Boscha can see that she's put in Oracle, the continue to eyed the child with the uneasy feeling weighting them and they domt know why.

Suddenly she shifted her eyes at them her Hazel ones meeting the eyes of two familiar witches, Luz smirked knowing pretty well the trouble about to happen would be really interesting and entertaining."well well well."

Luz stopped right in front of the two with the most smug smirk on her face as she eyed the two with that bratty attitude."If it isn't the 3 eyed witch and the Green witch...didn't expect that I'll meet you two here."she then paused posting a shock expression which the two witch immediately glared at her making Luz chuckled and continue to give the two a sinister smirk."wait I did, its not that hard to predict about it."

"That's it, I don't care if you're a Silver Guard anymore I'll f##king put you in your place now kid!"Boscha said grabbing Luz by her collar but Luz continue to chuckled before looking up at her."go ahead 3 eyed witch...I dare you."

"Boscha."Amity called out pushing the two away from each other and looked up at her friend."dont let get throughout you, just ignore the brat."she said coldly and walked off with Boscha glaring at Luz for the last time and walked off, while Luz just chuckled to herself.

'so cold....kinda used to it tho...'

She was running down the halls as she was late from her training when she came to stop, the 6 year old Luz hide at some corner and listened to they're whispering.

"Dam it that Silver brat, the only reason the Emperor let her do whatever she wants because she's the titan's child."

"I've always knew that girl if born trouble...ugh why dose it have to be her, why did the Titan chose such a brat."

"Yeah such a brat won't be surprised if she is hated by all."

Tears slowly escape her eyes cuz even tho they're just words, they still hurt her.

The went through as boring as ever, Luz just wants to go home or maybe even sneak out and play or pull pranks of people or she rather be stuck training with the useless head covens rather than being stuck here.

Anyways,,,,it was already lunch and everyone went to the cafeteria with a friend or group but Luz..well she wasn't in the cafeteria instead she went to the school garden not really hungry or if she ever felt one. She just stood there at the garden not noticing eyes watching her.

A/N:This is short cuz I am sleepy cuz I am doing this chapter in 12:17 am hope you guys enjoyed.

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