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It never really accured to me that one day I'll have to do this in the of love, in the name of my love, mother and father always thought me that having this turmoil of a negative feeling inside has always been wrong, that jealousy or envy leaves everyone to nowhere good in life but I have to be sorry for I am about to disobey them. Cuz if I can't have her.... nobody can.


The day of adopting palisman is 3 days away yet Emira and Edric went there to check the thing out, they're never around mostly in the school for clearly they spent it skipping or doing pranks and no they haven't heard anything about what had happened recently in the school.

"A giant bird cage."Edric said as he and his twin sister approached the thing, Emira immediately went awe when she noticed how cute the palisman are especially the bat one.

{A/N:Edric would received his palisman in this chapter}

"They look so cute Ed."she said then suddenly it begin to quake which alarmed the twins and hold onto each other confused to what is going on."stay here Em I'll go check it out."he said and Emira nobbed her head staying with the palisman while Edric went to check it, the moment Edric open the lid he felt his heart sink the thing they were in is being lifted off the ground and he looked up to see that it was hooked on some air ship.

{A/N:Edric and Emira didnt know the Silver Guard's name nor knew about it attending Hexide nor its name and not everyone in the Boiling Isles knew the Silver Guard without the mask just to be clear}

"Ed where you going?"Emira asked and Edric turned to her."I'm just going to check it out just stay here."it's not usual for Edric to act so mature and Emira is not used to it too as she's mostly the mature one between them but right now she seeing that her twin brother is being a man right here which she doubted would happen.

Edric climb up and peak it's head up, he saw a ivory hood cloaked figured humming some tune as it pilot the ship."the Silver Guard? What dose she want from the poor palisman."he muttered and quickly created a spell circle and hop on inside the ship.

"Huh?"Luz turned around to what that was until Edric who casted an illusion spell to creat an illusion of a giant firework flew straight towards her hooking her right on the hood sending her flying off her ship.

"Huh that work if Emira saw that she'll be laughing, anyways how do I land this thing."he said unbeknownst to him that the Silver Guard he just sent flying off the ship came back and is just in front of him."oh you just pulled that this over there."

"Thx wait what!?"Edric looked at her surprised."Hi~"she said then casted a spell using her staff creating a rope wrapping it around him then levitated him away from the controllers.

"Another Blight come to pester me it in your families Blight to butt in into other people's job."she said before teleporting right in front of him."you know I could charge you for rocketing me off my ship for the rest of your life or..."

She turned her back to him and returned to piloting the ship."I could just zap you to ashes yeah I think that would be more better."

Edric tried to untie himself from the bound but it was useless."so how did you get here that quick?"

"Staff obviously."she said pointing towards the staff, Edric continued to struggle to free himself when all of a sudden something bumped against the ship causing it to shake.

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