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Sound of groaning and something cracking is heard through the woods of the knee, yes Luz went to the Knee using the slithering beast as her dummy and of course it wasn't all that hard to knock those beast off for Luz and she isn't even using magic just her fist and kicks.

The beast let out a loud growled while Luz just laughed at it's hopeless effort to attack her only to be dodge and kick it right on the jaw.

All the commotion was heard by some teenager witches that are supposed to do a witches duel but heard a loud growled and some beating by the distance.

"What do you guys think could that be?"asked Boscha as they are making they're way to that direction."I don't know but I smell trouble."Gus replied they all hide at some giant Boulder and all watched from behind it with they're eyes widening in shock.

Wearing just a shirt, a leather thin chest plate at a cold snowy biome, Amity recognized immediately that brunette especially that mask."Silver Guard."Amity called out and they all watched the brunette take down the baby slithering beast as she laughed.

Amity got pissed off at that, beating up a baby beast isn't cool at all and dangerous.

Luz using her prediction predicted an upcoming flame towards her direction and quickly made a back flip dodging the flame and turned to those witches hiding behind that boulder.

"Come out I know you all are there."Luz said glaring at them through her mask and it was the mint haired Witch that came out first with whispered of cursed from the boulder.

"Oh Lilith's apprentice, why you doing here?"Luz said not much amused to see the Blight as it approached the poor baby slithering beast who is technically tired and beat up."do you have to beat this poor beast up Silver brat."Amity growled and Luz just chuckled at such irony.

"Poor beast, they're cannibals this things eat witches and other kinds what so poor about them."Luz response and that just prove the point to Amity knowing very well why all witches hated the Titans child."predicting from now that you already hate me and would attack me any moment now."she said none believe that the Titan's child was gifted the ability to predict stuff that aren't happening yet but to they're surprise Amity did attacked the Silver Guard who immediately grabbed it's staff and slapped the pink fire ball away with it.

"So predictable are all part of the Abomination Coven are like this."Luz smirked through her mask as she continue to taunt the now pissed off Blight who summoned not only flames now but also abomination trying to attack Luz who is just easily dodging them and teleported right behind the Blight.

"To easy!"Luz exclaimed when all of a sudden a spikey vines came out of nowhere and quickly Luz teleported away from her."what the.....plant girl."

Willow came out from hiding too and just send a couple more vines towards the Silver Guard who dodge them all and sent red beaming lights burning the vines down and landed feet's away from them.

"Anyone else want to joined the dance floor or the others are just a bunch of wimps now."Luz taunted which scratched Boscha's pride and came out too."3 eyed witch."Luz calls her witch pissed Boscha off more."don't call me that you Masked freak."Boscha called out her which just made Luz laughed.

"Or what? What ya gonna do 3 eyed witch."Luz continued to taunted and now there are 3 of them vs. 1 which isn't much of a problem. Continuing more into the 4 witches who seem to be busy dueling didn't get to noticed the slithering beast's mother came making Gus and Skara to froze as the mother sneered at them before growling loudly causing the two witches to hug each other and screamed causing they're duel to paused and turned to they're friends who is now been caught by the beast mother.

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