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𝙰𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚢'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

Luz didn't attend her classes earlier nor did I see her even came to school earlier too and I keep having this nagging feeling that something wrong is going around. I was walking back to class when I walk pass the Oracle coven and couldn't help but over heard the conversation.

"The Emperor is pulling Silver Guard out of Hexide?"

"That's what I heard the teachers said awhile ago."

"Well that's for a better at least we dont have to play the rolls she forced us to do."

So they were forced to act all mean? I don't really thought much about that since all my focus is on Luz, we haven't talk for awhile and I actually wanted to talk to her and apologized to her but now knowing Emperor Belos pulled her out of Hexide I must ask miss Lilith to help me get inside the Castle and talk to her.


"You want to talk to who?"Lilith looked at me confused and I know I've sounded to forward but what can I do, I can't sugar coat my words."I heard Luz's classmate talk about her getting pulled out by Emperor Belos out Hexide, so plz help me sneak in so I could talk to her."

Lilith sighed and looked at me before closing the book she's reading."I wish I could but earlier I noticed that she hasn't been herself after she had a talk with the Emperor, it feels like she's been a complete different person when she came out of that room."she said which caught my attention, Couldn't be that Emperor Belos had done something? To what Hunter had told me that the Emperor isnt a man to be mess with, even your a Titan's child if he ever see a failure he won't hesitate to give a punishment to them.

"I also haven't seen that little sparrow in her room too that time, I don't want to assume but I feel that the Emperor has something to do with this."she said and I looked up at her when I suddenly thought of something that I really wish would work."wait tomorrow would be our schools trip to the Emperor's Coven, I can use that chance to talk to her."I said till a familiar basilisk came in the picture.

"Can I come?"this made me and Lilith jump in shock and looked at Vee who wore a worried expression."you want to talk to Luz too?"I asked and she shook her head."no because there is something inside the Emperor's Coven that can help me get rid of Eda's curse."she said which caused me to be shock and found Lilith surprised too.

"Wait there is?"she asked and vee nobbed her head."yes and I need it, lately Eda's curse is getting worst and it seem that the elixirs are slowly losing its affect."

"Then it's settled, Amity I can help you sneak in to Luzifer's room and Vee I can only buy you so much time so you better grabbed the thing that can help removed Eda's curse."Lilith said, even tho miss Lilith is seen as a cold person she's actually really nice and most of all she worries Luz too and believe that there is a good on her.



She gripped her chest tight as she knocked a few things like books and even the mirror stepping on it causing it to crack, Luz falls to ground as she is now holding her head, her eyes is switching from red to green and her hair switching from glowing to not.

She's feeling to much pain everywhere in her entire body, she begin to let out a growled and a heavy pant as she felt her skin burn tho theres no fire being set on her but that's just how it felt to her. As the pain was to much to bare now Luz Le out a loud inhumane scream.

The door suddenly opened, Belos stood there and stare."my child, what have you done."he said and Luz slowly looked up at him. He leaned down and placed his palm on her head with his thumb pressing against her forehead.

Her glowing stopped and she panted heavily, Belos picked her up and place down on the bed. He isn't lying when he already see the brunette like a daughter, the intentions are still there but he just cant stand seeing her suffer like that as everytime Luz continues to grow she's beginning to start to look so much like her.

"Rest well my child, you need it."he said then left the room returning to his own.

A/N:it's getting close, stay tuned.

A/N:it's getting close, stay tuned

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