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Freezing and cold, Luz breath heavily as she hugged herself for warmth that her body is barely giving her but she dosen't care as she's already used to it the cold didn't bother her anyway as it also help her numb the pain she is feeling on her back that she received from blocking that lightning. Why did she even saved him anyway? Did he even did anything to help her? Of course the answer no, he didn't as just like the others his blind. She knew he will never care...

Those thoughts were immediately cut short when she noticed the metal doors slowly opening and revealing who it was, it was none other than..."Hunter."she muttered his name trembling from the cold. Hunter can feel the coldness just from the outside and he couldn't believe she survived this long from the cold.

"Hey sorry I took long, grab my hand."he said, Luz looked at his hand then back at his face. Why is he helping her? Didn't he hate her? Hunter noticed that the brunette wasn't doing anything and decided to grab her himself. Hunter after pulling her out the freezing chamber felt Luz weighted on him as she seem have numbed her legs from the cold.

"W-why...why did you.."Luz can't finished her sentence as her body is still adjusting from the sudden warmth."I don't either why I'm helping you but just consider it as a thank you for saving me."he said and helped her up slowly, Luz didn't expected that at all. Really she didn't and she's feeling weird at the sudden kindness.

She quickly pushed him away and stood straight."yeah...thx."she said and cleared her throat."won't this get you in trouble too Goldie?"she asked looking at him with a teasing expression.

"I know but...this punishment is to much, even if you act so diabolical being luck here without something to warm you and to eat is to much."he said now that just surprised Luz more but paused at the thought.'did he just call me diabolic? I'm not that bad.'she thought but then recall the memories of what she had from past till now.

"Fair..point but I won't be different to you just because you help me."she said and Hunter chuckled."yeah sure Silver brat."he said playfully which made Luz chuckled too.


"My legion.."Kikimora spoke, staring at the pot that showed the image of the Golden Guard and Silver Guard talking shown. Kikimora looked up at the Emperor who just stared silently at the pot.

Belos already knew this would happened and he just let it happen."Drop Luzifer's punishment of being lock up but she still won't eat for 3 days."he said, Kikimora nobbed her head and left the room.

"Just let your hopes high Luzifer...they would be crash in the end anyways."he said.


The punishment of Luz being lock up was dropped but she wasn't still allowed to eat for 3 days which is more better than being lock up in the freezing chamber.

Now comes to a meeting of all the head covens, Hunter and Luz both stand at both sides of Belos throne. Luz won't consider as a friend but maybe just an acquaintance both still hate each other but not that much like before. Once the meeting was done Hunter was left behind to guide the head of the covens out while Luz followed Belos to his room.

Luz shot the door behind as Belos cursed begin to activate, she turned her head to the side thx to the mask Belos can't see her shut her eyes tightly and her lips tremble as she begin to be reminded of that time. Right after Belos was done venting out his anger he turned around to face the Silver Guard.

Luz handed the palisman staff to him which he aggressively took and suck the magic out of it."more."he said and Luz pulled out another palisman and handed it to him.

"That's the last one of them Belos I'm afraid there is no more."she said watching him suck the magic out of the last palisman."I'll assigned someone to take care of that, you go head to school now."he said and turned his back at her, Luz sighed and nobbed her head before going back to her room and change.

After she changed she headed back to Hexide of course with everyone staring back at her with more fear, Luz already predicted that would happened after the stunt she just pulled last time that would make them not underestimate the power of the Titan's child.

Making her way towards her locker Luz was about to grab her book when a hand slammed against the locker beside her."Well good morning... Luzifer.."

Luz eyes widened and turned to the person beside her, it was none other than the Mint haired Blight. Luz glared at her."where in the fuck you learned my name?"she growled lowly and Amity just smirked at her and flick her nose.

"Somewhere kinda want to broadcast it to the entire school.."she said and Luz glared at her."you wouldn't."she growled.

"I won't if.."she said but paused midway."if what Blight."Luz replied and Amity's smirk widened.

"Easy, apologized."she said and Luz raised a brow."for what?"asked Luz towards the Blight."from being mean and cruel and also insulting my friends."Amity answered and Luz just chuckled at that pushing the Blight away.

"Like you low life's deserve it, I would never apologize especially to your low life friends."she said glaring at her but Amity has the upper hand here.

"Oh you will if you don't want the others know your name."she said giving her a dead eye serious, Luz growled lowly and dropped her hands in defeat."fine, you this time Blight but there would be no next time."she glared and followed the Blight, Amity just smirked and leaded the way.

At the cafeteria where the others are Amity's friends are all sat at the same table talking but stopped mid way when they looked up and saw the Blight walking towards them but with the Silver Guard.

"What you want Silver brat?"Boscha glared and Luz glared back at her before smirking."to mock your poor asses."she laughed which caused Boscha to be aggravated and is about to sent fireballs towards the brunette's way till Amity elbow Luz.

"Could you stop that, remember I know your name."she whispered the last sentence which made Luz stiff and immediately cleared her throat."sorry...I came here to apologize for being such a jerk..."

"And a brat."Boscha added and Luz just glared at her before resuming."yeah that too but don't think highly of yourself low life's, I'm out of here."she said and is about to walk away but stopped by Amity.

"Stay, since you already apologize how about we all get to know each other and maybe just maybe we all will like each other."she suggested and look at Luz who was surprised but just rolled her eyes at them."whatever."she said and sat down with them.

This day would be long, really long...

A/N:picture from Pinterest not mine

A/N:picture from Pinterest not mine

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