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A/N:no one's in love yet okey! Even if Luz is 15 she won't be getting any love yet cuz it's too early, too early!

Luz|Silver Guard:do you hate me that much...

A/N:of course not, it's just my thing to make every protagonist in this fanfiction to suffer first to the following.

Luz|Silver Guard:can someone leave a vote for me to have a early redemption.

A/N:I said nope >=]


2 days had past since the incident of course Luz still hadn't get conscious yet and everyone who was in that arena watching the Witches Duel Gone wrong all could ever talk about is that especially the main topic were the 2 witches, Amity and Luz along with the rumours spreading about the Silver Guard's real name.

Emperor of course found out about that also the whole Luz's real name being spread around and he is of course slightly mad about it but he already know this is bound to happen and decided to let it slide.

In the healing coven lay down on one of the beds there was the same brunette wrapped around from her chest, stomach through back by white bandages and also had some on her head that wrapped around her forehead to the back. There was a sudden knock which made the nurse watching over the Silver Guard stood up and opened the door.

"Oh Ms. Blight are you to visit the Silver Guard."said the nurse as she looked down at the teen."uh yeah i am  is she awake yet?"Amity asked looking past the nurse who gave her a gentle smile."no not yet but you can come in and wait for her to wake up."said the nurse, Amity nobbed her head and excused herself inside.

The nurse also excuses themselves and left leaving Amity alone with the brunette. She sat down at the chair that is beside the brunette's bed and stared at it's sleeping form. She looks like a total angel when asleep and peaceful too but..... Amity paused at that thought knowing pretty what Luz is like when awake. There is actually a reason why she visited the brunette and that is to thank her and also to say sorry for having her end up here.

Amity couldn't shake the feeling, the weird feeling inside her chest and seeing the brunette's condition and immediately felt it tighten. Luz has been mean and never been nice and if she was she only did that because she dosen't want anyone knowing her name but that won't have any affect anymore because everyone knows now. Luz slowly stirred in her sleep which Amity notice and can hear her muttered something and saw tears.

She's crying in her she having a nightmare?

Amity leaned forward and placed her hand right on the bed to hear what she is muttering about.""and Amity then felt a hand grip on hers and looked down to find Luz gripping on it. She wanted to pull away from her touch but then when she saw her expression in her sleep Amity's expression soften and squish her hand gently and noticed Luz's expression soften too and returned to sleeping peacefully again.

I don't know what made you like this...or to what happen to you in the past but why do I want to be part in your life, in your world...why?


Luz slowly fluttered opened her eyes and looked around her surroundings and groaned as she is now awake but not completely, she felt a pounding on her head and a lot of pain on her back, she can't remember what happened but she knew she will eventually maybe a bit later.

Amity was also woken up by the groaned and slowly lifted her head to find the Silver Guard awake now."Luz your... you're awake now."said Amity as she immediately stood up and pulled her hand away from hers.

"Green witch?...what are you doing here?"Luz spoke but then groaned as the pounding on her head won't stop just yet."later about that I'll call the healers quickly."she said and is about to leave when Luz immediately sat up and grabbed her wrist.

"No!"she exclaimed and pulled the Blight back which made Amity almost trip but quickly supported herself."no plz...I'm fine now."Luz said calming herself down and let go off her wrist which Amity soon rub to how tight her hold was just earlier.

"Okey, anyways I'm here because I want to say sorry."that took Luz aback but let the Blight continue."if it wasn't for me you won't end up here and also thank you for saving me too."she said, no one thanked her before nor ever said sorry to her which she is so unused to hearing those.

Amity noticed that she's been silent and looked at her face and noticed it slightly red which confused her until*💡*and giggles which caught Luz off guard."w-why are you giggling?"

"Are you."she paused as she can't contain her laughter."flustered."she added, Luz paused for a second when all of a sudden her face turned major red."w-wha WhAt!?"Luz exclaimed really embarrassed right now can't believe this is happening.

"And you're voice cracked too how cute."Amity now begin to teas which made Luz turned more red and glared at her."s-shut up! I am not cute!"she exclaimed which just made Amity laugh more, this is the ever first time Amity let out a genuine laugh."you look like a tomato how cute."she continued and Luz just pouted at her and looked away blushing from the embarrassment can't believe she's being treated like this. She's the Silver Guard but then again she felt like she's not at least for now.

A/N:there happy

Luz|Silver Guard:yes but I bet you'll make me suffer the next chapter

A/N:you predicted that huh well your right >=]

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