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It has been 3 weeks, yep 3 weeks of course Luz was still herself teasing and mocking others left and right but something changes a bit and that is her relationship with Amity and her friend's. She won't call her relationship with them friendship as she is still confused so she just calls them acquaintance just like how she will call her relationship with Hunter of course she still isn't over to why did Hunter gave her a palisman and why did Lilith gave her a necklace but she wants to think that they like her at some point but then she dosen't want to get her hopes to high for it.

Anyways everyone still afraid of her and of course like always hate her usual Luz won't care but now,,,she's starting to think about it again.

"Your Oracle teacher had told me about your performance Luzifer."Belos spoke as this is the first time him, Luz and Hunter would all eat together for breakfast."I won't say I'm impressed but it's good to know that your the top student."he said.

"Well of course,I'm the Titan's child there is nothing I can do."she said with a cocky tone but the tone didn't matched ber expression that is what Hunter noticed."also Luzifer."Belos called causing both the teens go turn.

"Someone had told me about you being a bit close to some witches..."he said that caused Luz to tensed up and gripped her fork."which one? I don't remember being associated towards lower life forms."she said hiding the fact that she's nervous, Belos hummed before speaking again."you better be, remember what I told you before..."

"Yes Belos, you don't have to remind me yourself all the time."she said in annoyed tone, Hunter can never really imagine how she can just talk to Belos like that if it was someone else they would be immediately petrified but he guess being a Titan's child has it's perks."I'll let this attitude of yours and right happy delay birthday Luzifer, here's a small gift."

Belos had a guard handed something to Luz who was confused, it was a ring and a silver pin, the pin was shaped like an eye that has a green ruby at the middle then a ring made out of pure silver with a really small green ruby that looks like a dot in the middle and nothing else.

"Thank you, Belos."she said clipping the pin on her uniform and putting on the ring.

After breakfast Luz went to Hexide while Hunter went on a mission. Hunter was actually jealous that Luz get a chance to go to a real school but he bet it would be any different for her knowing pretty well how everyone outside the Castle even in the castle hate her the only one that he knew that dosen't Luz was Lilith since the woman watched the girl grow up.

Hunter always question himself to what it is that made her act like that as everything in his memory are vivid but he did remember one time that they are once close like siblings of course but then what changed? What happened to her that caused her to change and that large scar running from the left corner of her mouth to her left ear, where did she got it?

There are so many questions in his mind that he doubt that would had any answers but anyways he decided to focus more on his mission and that is catching palisman, his search always ending up with someone or something stopping him from completing it.

Anyways Hunter was searching around some grave stone to look for some palisman that was buried along with it's host, Hunter dosen't want to be disrespectful but he did heard witches talking about how Luz can easily find palisman before and one of them is by looking at some graves. After a couple of hours looking for some he finally found at least 15 now comparing it to how fast Luz found palisman, this make Hunter wish that he too is gifted with the ability of prediction.

Hunter felt like that is enough searching for now and is now heading back the castle but out of the sudden his leg tugged at something which confused him until a rope caught his leg and is hanged upside down causing him to drop his stuff and the cage that held those palisman.

"Did we caught it?"he heard a voice spoke and finally spot the voice belong too."Owl Lady and the rat."he said causing the two to look up.

"I am not a rat!"exclaimed the domestic demon causing the pale skinned woman to snort and laughed."oh King that's hilarious."she said wiping the small tear away."now what's the dumb guard doing here, looking for a place to bury yourself."she said and Hunter narrow his eyes at them and the woman just laughed.

"I was searching something thank you very much."he said."yeah yeah anyways want me to help you get down from there?"she said smirking Hunter wouldn't want to admit but he dose."yes plz.."he said, She rolled her eyes and casted a spell to unwrap the rope around Hunters leg causing him to drop hard on the ground."ow."he said and rubbed his back and slowly stood up.

"Could've warned me."he said."I could but no, now scram I have bounty to catch Byeee!"she said then begin to walk away, Hunter didn't know what possessed him but he knew Belos would kill him for it."wait Owl Lady."Hunter called out and the pale woman turned around.

"You know wild magic right?"

"Yeah what about it kid? Don't tell me you want to learn it?"she asked giving a teasing look towards the boy's direction."n-no... actually yes, I know uncle told me not to learn it but.."he paused for a second."but I want to help, I want to help him cure his curse at least in that way he would finally acknowledge me."he said looking down, The pale witch looked at him surprised and so those King the domestic demon.

"Kid...I can't help you, I'm sorry but even I can't find a way to cure my own curse."she muttered the rest, Hunter felt helpless but just left. Eda felt sorry for the kid and she kinda see Lilith to him, always seeking for others acknowledgement only to end being over look but what can she do, she can't even help herself cure her own curse.

A/N:You'll see more of Eda in the couple of chapter later.

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