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Everything went on like that now and of course Luz became much more worst than she was before and became the Hexide's new bully like they all already expected that, she became more meaner and most of all her insults became more and more personal and like a total asshole she won't care about others feelings and walk away laughing and that went on for another 3 weeks....

~•~•~•||•~•~•||•~•~•~3 weeks later~•~•~•||•~•~•||•~•~•~

Today was the every coven's convention day, it's been 3 weeks since's Luz ever saw Hunter again but she didn't care about that dishonored excuse for a Golden Guard wait she meant ex Golden Guard.

Luz was alone of course while her other classmates from Oracle set up everything for this convention which Luz found rather useless and utterly a waste of time that is until she felt something bumped against her leg and loud "weh!"is heard causing her to turned around and found a weird looking demon.

"What in hell are you."Luz growled looking down at the being that looked up at her and held it's snout."how dare you talk to the King of demons like that!"

Luz smirked amused at the domestic demon's confident."oh my apologies king of demons I didn't know."she said in a taunting tone and snap her fingers, Luz had control over her classmates using something against them that would make them submit.

Two of her classmates went beside the domestic demon and also wore a smirk as they pick up King."put me down you filthy teenager's!"King exclaimed as he tried to break free but they all just laughed at his attempt, Luz then noticed a cupcake on the ground and knew exactly who it belong to and stepped on it earning a gasp from King."oops that was an accident."Luz smirked then laughed, this brought to King at the verge of crying now that is until someone step in and grabbed the poor demon.

"Leave the demon alone Luz."the brunette looked up her hazel eyes meeting the amber ones."oh if it isn't the Blight and..."Luz looked behind her."friends."she continued then looked back at Amity again.

"Why are you being an ass again lu- Silver Guard."Amity glared at the brunette who just check her nails and replied."I don't know what your Tali about Blight, were just playing with that big rat."that pissed Amity off as she is so done with Luz's trashy attitude.

"That's it Luzifer I'm done with your bullshit!"Amity exclaimed even shouting Luz's name which surprised Luz and glared at her."I challenge you to a witches duel!"she yelled causing everyone to let out a loud gasped, Luz is still angry at the fact that Amity blurt out her name like that and now everyone knows but she just covered it up with a cocky smirk."I accept, if I win you'll be my dog and follow  everything I say while your friends over there say bye bye to this school."

Amity was taken aback by that condition but shook her head."fine but if I win not only will you apologize but you gotta be start being nice and treat everyone better."she said saying her condition too, Luz just smirked and summoned her staff creating a oath circle around her hand which Amity took."the oath is now sealed, good luck Blight you gotta need it."she said before walking off with her goons following her laughing.

"Amity are you nuts!? Even if you're a total pro at abomination that's Silver Guard were talking about!"Boscha exclaimed as she looked at her best friend."and did you just call her Luzifer?"Willow question, Amity let out a gasp of surprised as she just blurted that out but then again she did pissed her off and turned to the domestic demon.

"Hey buddy you okey?"she asked towards the demon."my cupcake."he said towards the squash cupcake, Amity sighed and patted his head."don't worry will get you more cupcakes and teach that brat a lesson."she said which made King happy and is now feeling slightly better.

While Hunter is looking around to where the demon is and Eda, well Eda is busy pick pocketing witches till she came face to face with her sister.

"Edalyn."Lilith called."Lilith."Eda replied both giving each other a cold glares."what are you-"before Lilith could even spoke up a ash-blond haired boy along with a browned haired basilisk.

"Eda! We can't find King!"exclaimed the two, Lilith immediately recognize the ash-blond boy and wore a surprise expression. Hunter looked towards the blue haired witch and also wore the same expression but before anyone can say a thing they heard some student spoke about sometimes that caused Lilith and Hunter heart to sink.

"Did you heard that Amity Blight challenges the Silver Guard and even know it's name."

"Yeah but my bets are all on Silver Guard even tho Amity is strong she dosen't have any say when facing someone like the Silver Guard."

The 2 students soon walked away, Lilith immediately grew panic and turned to her sister can't believe she's going to do this."Eda I want you to help me look for Amity."she said and Eda looked at her confused."and why should I?"

"Because she's going up against the Silver Guard, the Silver Guard!"Hunter exclaimed and vee looked at him."what's wrong with the Silver Guard?"she asked confused as well.

"Vee, the Silver Guard isn't some ordinary guard she's cruel and heartless and she's more powerful than anyone could ever think off as not only she's the emperor's favor child but also the Titan's chosen child."Hunter explained."not only that  Silver Guard can predict all her moved because of her prediction ability, so Edalyn plz help me find her and thought her one magic that would be useful for her."Lilith said in a distressed tone, Eda looked at her sister then back at the kids before sighing.

"Fine but you owe me something after this."she said and Lilith nobbed her head and smiled gently."thank you Edalyn now I must go and look for Luzifer and try to talk her out of this."she said and walked away to look for her apprentice.

"Alright let's search for that Amity girl now."Eda said looked around until she spotted a couple of teenager's walking there way towards them and spotted king with them."Eda! Hunter!Vee!"exclaimed the domestic demon and the teenager's looked up and Eda, Hunter and Vee went up to them."king!"exclaimed both Hunter and Vee approaching the demon.

Eda also approached the teenager's but went towards the mint haired Blight."your Amity right?"she asked pointing towards the teen."yes how you know."she replied and Eda just smirked.

"A Birdy told me about you digging your own grave smarty pants."Eda said which earned a surprised gasp."well don't worry cuz I'm going to teach you a magic that you can use without putting much of a fight."she smirked which made them all confused especially Amity but if it helps her win and give that brat a dang lesson then it's fine.

"she smirked which made them all confused especially Amity but if it helps her win and give that brat a dang lesson then it's fine

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A/N: older Luz|Silver Guard cat version made by yours truly from picrew.

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