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It was all blurry for mostly Hunter's perspective, his ears had this tingling sound and he felt numb all over his body like he can't stand. How did thing's ended up like this?

It was the same old day for mostly all beings at the entire Boiling Isles nothing out of the ordinary, the Silver Guard attend school with her outside striking fear without even trying, and still trying to guess what is going on but then there's Hunter.

He was out for a mission and this mission involved slaying a peaceful creature selkidomus he dosen't want to disturb the creature let alone hurt it but it's what his uncle wanted him to and well he has too.

On his way to hunt the thing Hunter wasn't aware of those pirate fugitives that's going around looking for a bigger catch or bounty to sell at some black marker but they spotted Hunter on his flying ship seem to be searching for something when all of a sudden his ship was aggressively pushed forward causing him to almost lost his balance but held tightly on the steering.

He turned to look what is going on only to find pirates and they are really aiming at his, Hunter grabbed his staff and sent blast towards them, he could have just created a huge hand to slap the ship away but how can he do that when his fucking air ship is shaking. That is until one canyon hit the ship directly causing it to violently shook and had his head slam against some hard things causing him to pass out and his ship to crash down....

Then here he was, the universe just really seem to hate him he bet no one dose the same thing to Luz. Wrong she everyday had to be stay on high alert as they are assassin's left and right that wants her head. Hunter groaned more as he tried to stand up and look for his staff but he was now slowly passing must be because of a blood lost or something but everything just went black.


Eda didn't know what came over her as to why did she even helped a kid but not just any kid but the Golden Guard itself, she was happen to be passing by as she is on the run like always from her sister who's keep chasing her and wanting her to joined the emperor's coven which she dosen't want to and also because she's buying some elixir too when she suddenly came to stumble a passed out Golden Guard she would have left him alone if her wasn't for the fact that she has soft spot for children, like come on she took in a runaway basilisk which is her name is Vee and ever since that day the girl is learning to be a wild witch too just like her.

Anyways, so Eda helped the boy out and brought it back to the Owl House with Vee helping with healing the injuries of the Golden Guard."there all  patch up, you think he'll be okey after this?"asked Vee turning to her mentor and Eda looked at her."I don't know Vee but I bet he will, just let him rest he seem to need it."she replied and Vee nobbed her head and walked away. Vee was in her humanoid form as she is more comfortable that way and also because it makes it hard for anyone to tell what kind she is.

Few hours later,,,,,

Hunter groaned in his sleep as his eyes twitched and slowly they opened, his surroundings was blurry but he dam well knew that he is somewhere that isn't his home nor some healing coven quarters but instead in someone else's house and slowly sat down rubbing his head.

"I see you awake."he turned to where the voice came from and it was from the door way, it was a young brunette and she look slightly like Luz but with more nice aura."where...where am I?"

"Owl House, Eda found you knock out at some where and take you here."she replied, her tone was soft and nice which Luz hardly had as she always talk like a cocky bastard always confident, aggressive and dominant but this girl is a complete opposite of Luz."may I know your name?"he asked and she looked at him with a soft smile."Vee, I'm the Owl Lady's apprentice as I wanted to be a witch just like her."she said her expression having that competitiveness and compassion.

"Name is Hunter and thank you and the Owl Lady for helping me."he said smiling weakly."it's not problem anyways you need rest but if you want you can always come down and talk to king or.. Hooty."she said then excused herself, Hunter for a second felt a warm feeling. It's not a love at first feeling but more like a family warn feeling. He never felt that before towards anyone but he did one time towards Luz but the girl has been avoiding everyone as in anyone and returned to her bratty self but he has a feeling she's only doing that to get Belos off her back but then he met Vee who looks like Luz but really different she seem nice and seem to be confident but in a right way. Vee was like a sibling he never had ever since Luz. Anyways Hunter shouldn't be thinking about this but instead he should be thinking about what would Belos do if he found out about this, an enemy who is a wild witch helped him and he even talk to that brunette girl that is slightly looked like Luz and his mostly worried about Vee.

A/N:Yeet Yeet

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