Not Chapter

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What will happen if Belos from Silver Guard (SG) au and Luz|Silver Guard met the cannon's.


A/N:okey original Owl House people I want you all to meet someone.

They all looked confused and stared at the author.

A/N:everyone meet Luz|Silver Guard

Shows cannon Luz's other version AU, everyone let out a gasp and so those cannon Hunter and walked towards the Silver Guard.

Cannon Hunter:you know amphibia✨✨

Luz|Silver Guard:yeah

Luz|Silver Guard is wearing an amphibia large size t-shirt because it was the last one and is also still wearing her mask. She rubbed her left arm that has a lot of scars that the others seem to noticed.

Cannon Gus:wow you got a lot of scars awesome ✨✨✨

Cannon Gus begin to admire the scars causing Luz|Silver Guard to be more uncomfortable and backed away.

Luz|Silver Guard:okey why is this even happening!? Author peasant

A/N: that's rude and hurt my feelings so Imma just do this

*Luz|Silver Guard mask has been removed*

Luz|Silver Guard shows a large scar running from the left corner of her mouth to her left ear and has another scar on her right lower part of the face that kinda looks like a burn mark.

Cannon Willow:oh my gosh what happened to your face

Cannon Boscha:you look like came straight out from a horror movie

Cannon Emira:I think she's cute

Everyone looks at Cannon Emira with an expression of are-you-serious.

Cannon Emira:oh come on, Amity has a Human, Edric has Golden Guard. Just let me have this one!

Cannon Emira wrapped her arms around Luz|Silver Guard's arm who blushed hard.

Cannon Amity:Emira leave her alone your making her uncomfortable

Luz|Silver Guard:I don't know what you guys are doing and it's making me hella uncomfortable

Luz|Silver Guard tried to get her arm away from Cannon Emira and luckily for her Cannon Amity helped.

Cannon Hunter:so....what are you like in your universe?

Luz|Silver Guard:I'm special, gifted and mostly favored by the emperor but my life there is never better and also everyone hates me

Cannon Hunter:I could relate, do you also use artificial Magic?

Luz|Silver Guard:yeah and sometimes study wild magic secretly without anyone knowing..

Cannon Hunter:Me too tho I'm studying it to help uncle from his curse

Luz|Silver Guard:do people also call you brat?

Cannon Hunter:yeah...did you got those scars know...

Luz|Silver Guard:yeah

Cannon Hunter:you have palisman? Mines a red Sparrow

Luz|Silver Guard:yeah but mines a blue sparrow and I call it stupid bird

The other Cannon characters watches as the two interacts more.

A/N:huh guess they're friends now

Cannon Luz:aw they found friendships between they're rough life

Cannon Edric:wow look she has a combination of round ears and pointy ears

A/N:that's because she's half a witch

Cannon Boscha:half a witch? Hah! That explains why I smell weakness

Cannon Willow:leave the poor child alone Boscha

Luz|Silver Guard:and I had this scar while I was battling a 3 headed serpent from depts of the Boiling Sea

She pointed towards the scar on her right arm.

Cannon Hunter:wow you must have learned a really powerful spell to immune yourself from the Boiling Sea

Luz|Silver Guard:oh no I'm already born immune to the Boiling Sea's burning degree water

Cannon Hunter:wow that's wow

A/N:anyways that's done say goodbye to Luz|Silver Guard everyone

Cannon Emira:aw but I want to spent time with her

Cannon Amity:leave her alone

Cannon Boscha:what's this Amity you even simp on a half a witch like that scarred brunette

Cannon Amity blushed hard and looked away repeating in her mind:I'm loyal to Luz I'm loyal to Luz I'm loyal to Luz I'm loyal to Luz I'm loyal to Luz....

A/N:okey? Anyways Luz|Silver Guard go back to your suffering universe

Luz|Silver Guard:I hate you!


A/N:Beta Lumity:Beta Amity scaring the shit out of Beta Luz and question her decision

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A/N:Beta Lumity:Beta Amity scaring the shit out of Beta Luz and question her decision

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