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Luz slowly awoke and found herself being carried by none other than Golden Guard which made her immune wide awake and begin to trash around.

"What the heck Luz!"Hunter exclaimed as he is now having a hard time carrying the brunette."Put me down this instant! Put me down!"Luz exclaimed which annoyed Hunter and immediately dropped her to the ground.

She groaned and stood back up patting the dust off her clothes."why the hell did you drop me!"Luz glared at him and Hunter glared back at her."you told me so."he replied and both gave each other a death glare till Lilith pushed the two away.

"That's enough, Luzifer go to your room. A healer stop there to heal your wound."she said pointing her to the direction of her room."tsk fine."she replied and is about to start walking back to her room when she was suddenly blocked by the coven guards.

"The Emperor wishes to spoke to you."said the coven guard, Luz gripped her fist knowing pretty well why and sighed before pushing the guard out of her and headed to the throne room.

Worry is written all over Lilith's face as she watched the brunette went to see the Emperor."I dont have a good feeling about this."Lilith said worry lingering in her tone which didn't go unnoticed to Hunter."what do you mean?"

"Either the Emperor do the usual punishment or even worst."Kikimora spoke and Hunter turned to short demon."what dose mean?"he asked again."Trap her inside the freezing chamber again."his eyes widened in shock when he heard the word again at her sentence.

Again? What dose she meant about again? And what punishment? What is going on.


Luz entered the throne she can already feel that the Emperor isn't much happy seeing her knowing very well that she once again disobey him, Luz can always reason that it was an outburst of emotion but he doubt that would even be a good excuse.

"Belos you wished to see me."she said bowing down, Belos stopped tapping his fingers against his arm chair and stood up making his way towards the brunette.

"What did I told you about you using magic?"he said a low chilling voice that sent shiver down her spine and gripped her fist more tighter to prevent herself from trembling."not to do it..."

"And what did you do?"he said now in a harsh tone causing Luz to slightly flinch but hold her ground." sorry it's just they overwhelmed me and I..."she was cut off when his arm transformed into its sludge form barely even missing her.

"There is no such thing as overwhelmed Luzifer, you should have handle it more easily than letting such a unruly emotions take a best of you."he growled which caused Luz to flinch and shut her eyes tight, Belos grabbed her by the chin forcing her to look him at the eye.

"And it seem that hurt you wouldn't be enough to make you see your fault."Luz eyes widened and felt chains binded around her."you'll be lock up at the freezing chamber to think about what you have done, you will not eat nor drink for 3 days serve as a punishment."he said, then under Luz begin to form a hole that teleported her to chamber where she was once kept in.


Hunter kept thinking about what Lilith and Kikimora said to what they meant about being locked up in a freezing chamber or what kind of punishment the Silver Guard is even taking from the Emperor.

As he is passing by he caught a glimpse of Lilith worriedly entering the throne room he was at first confused and decided to listen to whatever theyre going to talk about.

"Emperor Belos plz just this once let it slip, I promise that this wont happen again."Lilith said sounding desperate.

"No Lilith, she needs to set an example knowing very well what she had done is disobeying my order."

"If you're worried about Golden Guard I assure you the lightning didnt strike him but Luzifer was."

"My orders are absolute Lilith."he said slamming his fist against his armchair cause Lilith and Hunter who is just outside flinch.

"Until she reflected on her mistake no she is not allowed to leave from that chamber with no food and drink in 3 days, now go."he said, Hunter can see that Lilith wanted to say something to reason more but knowing if she anger him more she'll be punished too.

Now Lilith no more choice but to leave hopping that she'll be fine, it will just be 3 days. Hunter heard it all, he never did thought this is how the Silver Guard was being punished now he felt pity for her then remembered the wound she had received on her back. Hunter sighed knowing very well what he will do will definitely put him in trouble but she didn't hesitated to take that strike so maybe just this once.

A/N:I hate birthday....

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