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After that conversation with the Blight and finally discharge Luz immediately returned to the castle as the Emperor wanted to talk to her about some stuff which is either be a mission or the event before or her name being spread around like some kind of wild fire that can be spot at the forest but anyways she just headed inside the Belos chamber and immediately kneel down.

"I'm here from your request Belos."she said this room always make her uncomfortable but she shook that feeling away and just wait."do you know why I call you here?"Luz looked up at him, she used her prediction and her face turned pale and quickly fell on her back as the thing merely missed her causing a cut to form on her right cheek.

"Quick but not fast enough, I've been getting reports about you getting soft.."he said and stood up, Luz tremble on the ground as she looked at him I'm horror."and you think I don't know about the little birdie you been keeping in your room."Belos saif before pulling out a blue sparrow which added more to Luz's horror.

"I thought you have been different from your good for nothing brother but what's this?"he said the blue palisman was trying its best to get out of Belos tight grip and heard it chirped."this is an instrument for wild magic that prohibited any of you even the others to do or use."Belos was taken a back when he felt a sudden forced causing him to drop the blue palisman.

Belos mask had a crack and it's all thx to none other than Luz, there was something on her palm that made a hole on her gloves.'ice glyph!?'

The ice immediately melted and Luz went towards her palisman picking it up can see a crack form on its beak up to the right side of its eye."I'm sorry."she said towards her palisman, Belos fixed his robe and turned his back to her."I'll pretend I didn't saw that thing but it's already your concern to keep that thing a secret, understood."he said and Luz looked up at him before nobbing her head and said."yes, thank you Belos."

"And another thing Luzifer."Belos called out before Luz even left the room."never pull that stunt again and stay away from the Blight and it's friends, understood?"

There was a silent till Luz answered."yes Belos, I understood."she said then left the room and went to her room which was still a mess that she refused to clean cuz she's lazy. She almost lost her palisman, the only thing that understand her in this world."I'm sorry stupid bird, because of me you almost got killed."she said looking down on the blue sparrow hopping on her lap and chippered.

"Hah you always know how to make me feel better...."she said and looked out at the window through the clear sunny sky then touched her cheek that has a cut."this will form another scar..."she muttered and sighed.


No one spotted the Silver Guard attending Hexide yet even tho it was already informed that the brunette was already discharge, Amity and the other's haven't seen nor heard any insults for mostly half a day now.

"Amity...amity...AMITY!?"the youngest Blight snapped from her thoughts and looked up at the pink haired witch."what?"she asked resting her head on the table feeling bored.

"I've been telling you about a new student attending today."said Boscha which caught Amity's attention and sat right back up again."and they decide to do that at the day when us witches finally get our palisman?"she said confused, who idiot would decide to enroll themselves half semester later?

"Beats me but I heard the new student is the Owl Lady's 2 kids, you know the ash-blond boy and the girl that has dark brown hair and surprisingly look a bit like the Silver Guard."Boscha said till the bell rang or more like scream, the two wave goodbye at each other and went to class.

On her way to class Amity had accidentally bumped her shoulder against somebody."hey watch it."she said and looked to her side."I'm sorry kinda got lost."they replied, Amity is sure recognize the voice and I belong to that basilisk girl and Boscha's right the girl really resemble Luz a bit.

"Oh it's you, Vee right?"she said towards the basilisk."yeah and your that Blight girl."she replied which made Amity chuckled.

"Yeah but you can call me Amity and wow your in all tracks I see."she said looking at the basilisk rainbow uniform."not only me but Hunter is in all tracks too tho I got separated from him through the crowd earlier."she said and Amity nobbed her head before humming.

"Well I bet his already at his class, so what's your first class?"Vee pulled out her schedule and search for it and spoke."Oracle as my first class."after hearing the Oracle word Amity's heart immediately sank, that coven become a total nightmare to everyone especially since Luz who is also in that class made all the Oracle student become the big bullies of this school.

"Vee you have to listen, this class isn't like the other classes for the Oracle coven is like a home for this school's bullies thx to a special somebody."


"achoo!"Luz sneezed and rubbed her nose."I'm not getting sick am I?"


"So be careful cuz those guys would do anything to make your life here miserable."Amity said and Vee looked at her and sighed."I'll remember that, thx for informing me Amity."she said and Amity smiled back and nobbed her head before walking off to head to the abomination coven. Vee is a nice girl and Amity would feel bad if the basilisk got pick on by those Oracle jerks thx to a certain somebody.


"Achoo!"Luz sneezed again and rubbed her nose."seriously I know everyone hates me and are they that obsessed on wanting me dead that they keep thinking about me."Luz spoke annoyingly as she cant focus on her mission and immediately felt a sharp force right against her side."Fucking kraken!"


A/N:lol told you the next one won't be so happy for you.

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