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Hunter made a bond not only with Vee but also the others at the Owl House, he got to admit he felt more warm staying with the Owl Lady and her companions than going back to that Castle that felt more like a prison than a home and he is actually thinking if what his uncle has been saying and making them believe all along are all true. Anyways it took Hunter at least 4 days to finally healed up and actually he isn't ready to return to that suffocating Castle.

He wants to get away and free from his uncle and especially from the title Golden Guard but before that happened he has to go there and face him first."you sure you don't want me and Eda to come with you?"Vee asked worried about Hunter's well being, Vee already see Hunter like a brother figure, a family and she dosen't want anything bad happen to him.

"I'll be fine, this won't be easy but I'm sure I can do this."he said and grabbed his staff, mech staff."just be careful kid."said Eda and Hunter nobbed his head before leaving.

He arrived back at the Castle both nervous and scared but if he wanted to break free he'll have to be bold.

"Someone looks like they had a blast slacking off 4 days straight."Hunter froze at the spot and turned to that familiar annoying voice."you don't look happy."Luz smirked in a mocking tone and Hunter just glared at her.

"Leave me alone."he said and begin to make his way to the Emperor's throne."Belos is going to kill you~"she sang looking at him with those mocking eyes."really he will."

Hunter decided to just ignore her and continue his way there, Luz stared at him walking away the mocking look drop and instead replace by envy look. If something Luz is jealous about Hunter that would be that he is now free, already predicting what is going to happen Luz didn't bother to stop it instead she's just going to let it all happened and walked off to go to school.

In the room, Hunter walked inside but he didn't bow down nor came in to explain himself.

""Hunter felt a shiver down his spine but he tighten his grip on his staff and fist."I'm not here to explain myself Uncle, I'm only here because of one thing."he said with full of confidence, Belos already isn't liking where this is going.

"Hunter what kind of nonsense have you been doing now, why can't you be more like Luz.."

"Luzifer, Luzifer. When are you going to stop comparing me to her!"he exclaimed, it was true Hunter was always being compare to Luz since back then and Hunter is getting sick of always being in her shadow."I'm not like her okey, never would be and I'm done.."he then take off his mask glaring up at him.

"I'm done Belos I'm done with your shits, from now on I'm not the Golden Guard anymore but just Hunter Wittebane and I don't take orders from anyone and follow no one."he said dropping the mech staff and walked off, Belos dosen't know what to say and just watched.

Everyone heard that and surprised, they thought the Silver Guard is the only who is bold to talk back to the Emperor but even Hunter. Even Lilith is surprised but she thought it's better that way.


A blue sparrow landed slowly on a brunette's shoulder, at the woods where Luz hide did she met her palisman. It told her everything that had happened and Luz can't help but chuckled.

"He really is bold, now that his not the Golden Guard anymore."she smirked."what's stopping me from making his life suffer now."she said loving the idea, the only reason why she hasn't before was because of Belos but now he cut ties what's stopping her now.

She made her way to Hexide with the blue sparrow hiding in her hair, of course. Upon finally arriving inside a couple of familiar witches greeted her, then saw the familiar mint haired Blight. Luz dosen't know why but she felt her heart flatter seeing them all especially that Blight and she dosen't know why but remembering the warning Belos gave her.

She ignored them which surprised them, she was warming up to them before now what's with the sudden cold shoulder. Amity noticed this and immediately went after her.

"Hey Luz what's with you."she called out lowering her voice when she called her at her name and Luz paused."stop, just stop Blight."she said in an annoyed tone and glared up at her, Amity was a few inches taller than her but Luz could careless.

"Okey I'm not liking your tone but I know something's up."she said, Luz just gripped her fist and turned her back at her."stop acting like you care Blight, the only reason I'm being nice with you and your so called friends is because of my name but now I couldn't careless if you tell it to everyone...and I won't care at all."she said and walked off.

That completely took Amity a back and here she thought she fully change but she guess she was wrong, when did a cold hearted brat like that Silver Guard would change."fine! Be that way."she said and stormed away too, Luz felt her chest tighten and felt like crying but she hold it in, it's not worth it wasting it on them as no one is worth it for her tears.

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