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3rd person's POV

Taeyong was laying in the bed, but he wasn't able to sleep. There were so many things running in his mind wild and free. It was kinda loud up there so he tried to mute all those voices in his head, but nothing helped. So he just layed there letting his thoughts go around like a rollercoaster.

He felt a bit dizzy because of the thought carousel in his head, then he finally stood up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

When he finally arrived there he met Kun and remembered that he wanted to ask him for advice.

"Can't sleep either?", Kun asked with a hoarse voice.

"Yup", was all Taeyong replied.

"Well, I was thinking about asking you for advise and when we're already here. Got a minute?", he added.

"Of course! I don't have anything better to do anyway. So shoot!", Kun immediately said.

"So like I saw or you could even say met him today. -", he started, but Kun interrupted.

"Wait who are we talking about?"

"Really?!", he lightly slapped him.
"Obviously about the poop the ghost dog that lives next door to us made yesterday..."

Kun looked at him with furrowed eyebrows when realization hit him.

"It's wait what was his name again? Was it Hyung-Jae? No, that sounds wrong. Jaehyung? No, wait I got it! Jaehyun, right?", Kun proudly said.

Taeyong clapped sarcastically, but nodded. While saying "FINALLY!"

"Okay, please continue", Kun urged.

"So you remember that I met up with my friends today, right?"
Kun nodded, so he continued and explained to him what happened.

"So what should I do?", he finished.

His hyung kept quiet for a few minutes while he was thinking. Because of how much time he took to answer, Taeyong was expecting something really wise just like the things he most likely answered, but all he got was:

"I honestly don't know. I mean I'm single myself. But I'd suggest you to greet the future with open arms. If you find someone new that would be awesome and if you don't then he might come back. In this case you probably should or would give him a second chance", so it still was wise like always.

After that conversation they both went back to sleep and this time they really slept.

Taehyun's POV

I was laying awake in my bed I wasn't able to get that man out of my head. Wait what was his name again? Hmm~ I think it was something like Jaehyun? Yeah that sounds right. I honestly don't know why, but I feel kind of connected to him like he's my daddy. Please don't think that papa isn't enough for me, but I don't want him to be lonely. I mean all of my uncles have someone to kiss. Well... all apart of uncle Kun, but he has Chanyeol and he seems happy that way. And it's good to see him smile.

I think everyone should smile. Humans are prettier that way. Even my unicorn is prettier when it smiles.

After thinking so much I feel really tired. Good night.

Author's POV

After that everything stayed normal. Sicheng found out that he was going to have a baby girl. I maybe should also add that he is six months pregnant.

Isn't pregnancy something wonderful? It's not like you're just going to have your baby or your babies after these 9 months which might be exhausting. You already carry that life in you before it is born. I mean like it is a part of you, like really a part of you. I think you should make the best out of your time with your unborn baby. You might even act like it is already there, for example talk to it even though that might sound strange. But who am I to talk about being pregnant and about pregnancy? I'm still pretty young and was never pregnant :)

Umm, yeah... So back to the important shit!

Yangyang is gonna have some exams in a couple of weeks and perhaps needs a little help. Guess, who's the one that's gonna help him? Maybe someone he might like? Like, like-like?

You're gonna see...

3rd person's POV

Jaehyun was in school right now, but his thoughts were obviously somewhere else, so he wasn't paying attention. Not even his teacher Mr Kim was able to get his attention.

The one month pregnant male who was slowly losing his patience did not know any other way to help himself then to throw a piece of chalk at his student that was annoying the shit out of him. So he finally got his attention and he was able to continue his lesson again, but this time without any interruptions. Before the class ended he announced: "Mr Jung please stay after the end."

So Jaehyun stayed and waited for what ever his teacher had to say.
"Jaehyun, I know that I'm just your teacher and nearly a complete stranger for you, but if you have any problems, you can talk to me. You should keep that in mind, okay?"

"I actually would like to get some advice. Could you help me?", Jaehyun said in a tiny voice.

"Of course! What is it? Oh, and you can call me Taeil.", Taeil said.

"Okay. So it might sound strange, but it's bugging me since some time", he started, but Taeil interrupted.

"Just spill the tea!"

"Okay, okay", Jaehyun laughed for a short second, got serious again and continued, "So I want to remember something. Well... it's rather a someone."

Taeil thought for a minute or so and had an idea.
"I might not be able to help you with this, but a friend of mine probably is. His name is Kun. I'm quite sure you might like him."

So they went to Kun...



Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone), another chapter. What do you think about my story so far?
Wish you the best!
Hopefully see you in the next chapter!
Love y'all <3

Don't u remember? ~ Jaeyong ✔Where stories live. Discover now