Twenty eight

90 7 0

3rd person's POV

"When did you have to leave him?", Ten asked.

"I'm not quite sure. Let me think about this for a short second", Jaehyun said.

And because the short second wasn't that short, they continued with the game.

"I can't exactly tell you a date, but it was a few months before he graduated", Jaehyun finally said an eternity later.

Even after that statement the other continued playing. Well, only Ten's mind was doing wonders.

"So tell me when did you guys fall for me?", Yangyang asked his yet to be official lovers.

"The moment you opened that fucking door. You were standing there in all your glory with only a fucking towel around your waist which definitely had caught me off guard. You know, I actually, really had to stay composed not to step closer and rip that shit off of you. That memory still lingers in my mind and soon I'm going to see the hidden part of it.", Dejun winked while saying the last part and Kunhang immediately understanding, what he meant, suggestively wiggled his eyebrows.

"Well, I never had the honor to see that much", Hendery pouted, but continued nonetheless, "For me it was the moment after you had bumped into me. I looked down and saw that cute boy there. That was already enough for me."

After that they continued
the game, not noticing that one had been strangely quiet lately. Ten was sitting in his corner, not paying attention to the game, being deeply in his own thoughts.

"What did you do to my husband? It looks like you completely broke him." Now everyone turned to Ten.

"Well, I don't remember that anybody did something to him and we definitely didn't break him", Jaehyun said.

"No one would ever do something to him knowing that you're his husband", Yangyang announced.

Johnny being satisfied with that, turned his attention now back to his loved one.

"Is everything alright?", he asked in a soft tone.

"Yeah, it's just that I'm asking myself something right now and I won't let that question leave my mind again without getting to a conclusion", Ten explained.

"Just tell us when you're ready", Lucas suggested.

Their table was filled with laughter and chattering. It was definitely the loudest table there. But who cared when even the owners were part of that?

"Does any of you know who the other father of Taehyun is?", Ten asked. It was the first thing he said after quite some time.

Everyone shook their head apart of one. Yukhei didn't respond like at all, but no one noticed it. He wasn't sure how to react. I mean his husband was a best friend of Taeyong. How was he supposed not to know? But he had to swear that he wouldn't say anything unless he was told to do so. So he remained silent.

Taking the initiative again, Ten continued, "So if I calculated that correctly you left him when he already was pregnant, but it wasn't visible yet. And because of the fact that I assume that he didn't cheat, I guess that YOU are the other father. And because I know him, I just can't imagine that he didn't tell you about it. Are you sure he never said anything?"

To say that Jaehyun was shocked, was an understatement. He was sitting there mouth hanging open. Opening and closing it, but not a single word leaving.

"Are you sure about that?", Jaehyun asked the shock more than just a little bit visible.

Don't u remember? ~ Jaeyong ✔Where stories live. Discover now