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Author's POV

Recently Taeyong and Jaehyun have been spending more time together. By now they have already gotten used to being around each other and I can  tell you proudly that they are lowkey enjoying it. They even got closer to each other now.

But Taeyong is still not able to trust Jaehyun completely again. I mean I actually can understand him. Trust must be earned and given. Once broken it's really difficult to earn it back again. Trust is a complicated thing. Sometimes you trust the wrong people and figure out that it was a mistake. Maybe it's already too late then. But when someone trustworthy stands in front of you, you may be scared to make a mistake once again. To give second chances can be one of the best decisions in your life, but sometimes you may regret everything and just end up hurt and alone. So in the end it will depend on the person. Do they earn your trust? I can't tell you, but your heart probably will be able to.

But back to reality.

Taehyun's birthday is around the corner and many preparations have to be completed. Taeyong wants it to be memorable because it's his little one's first birthday. Maybe he will not be able to remember, but everyone that is important to the family will.

While Taeyong was planning stuff for Taehyun's birthday the baby was at Yangyang's. They were playing games when they decided to go to the playground. As soon as they arrived there the little one went off to play. So Yangyang settled down on a bench and watched.

Little did he know that two pretty males were silently watching too, but not Taehyun, rather him. After half an hour or so they finally got the courage to make their presence known and approach him, took both one hand of him and started to drag him away.

"Hey, we have to get Taehyun! He's motherfucking alone right now! Taeyong will kill me in the worst ways possible. And where the fuck are we even going?", Yangyang worriedly exclaimed.

"Don't worry Ten ge is there too. I talked to him. He will bring him home later", Hendery announced proud of his own idea.

And so they went to god knows where.

Back at the playground...

The moment Taehyun looked around and wasn't able to see Yangyang he started to cry. He screamed his name, but got no response. He was lost and kinda helpless. A friendly-looking man came his way with a little boy maybe a year older than Taehyun by his side.

"Hi, I'm Minjun. Do you wanna play with me? Oh, and that's my papa Ten", the little boy asked. And Taehyun was surprised, but nodded.

"Eyo listen up. Your uncle Hendery talked to me. I should tell you that they had something really important to do where your uncle Yangyang had to help them. So don't worry they didn't forget you.", Ten explained.

"Okay, uncle Ten. Thank uuuu!Minjun, I'm Taehyun. Let's go!", Taehyun now happy again said. So the kids played until Ten decided to bring them home.

"So where do you live?", he questioned really being clueless on where to go.

"By papa and uncle Kun with Chanyeol hyung", Taehyun proudly answered. Ten may not know who his papa is, but the name of his uncle was definitely familiar to him.

By the time that they arrived Minjun already was pretty hyped to see his Chanyeol hyung. So as soon as the door open he squeezed himself past the two adults that stood there and run inside.

"Chanyeol hyung!", he screamed.
Soon later you were already able to hear little, naked feet running his way.

"Minjun-ah!" And they energetically hugged each other.

"Missed uuuuuu!", the smaller one said.

"Missed uuuu too!", was the response.

The two adults inside were caught off guard by that, but their attention soon went to a small someone that was only waiting to be let in. And of course they didn't say no to that.

Taehyun stepped in and finally looked at the two men in the doorframe. I mean it's understandable he was focused on his hyungs interaction.

"Daddy! Papa!", he screamed and hugged both of them at the same time which looked pretty funny to be honest.

"You are? And where the (*covers Taehyun's ears*) fuck is Yangyang?", Jaehyun questioned.

"Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm-", Ten started.

"Tennnn~! Long time no see!", Kun yelled from the bottom of the staircase when he finally also arrived. They hugged and he let Ten in.

Being the father he is, he scolded Taeyong shortly after: "How come you were being so impolite? I honestly thought that I raised you better", he said jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah "father".", the other just responded even though he sounded a bit offended.

"So I guess everyone knows now that I'm Ten. Oh, and that little sunshine there is my son Minjun, but I guess you already heard that. Well, and to your other question. Two young man took him away. I assume you know who I'm talking about?", Ten smiled.

"Oh, they're definitely gonna be dead meat!", Jaehyun pressed out through gritted teeth.



Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone), the big family is getting together one by one.
I wish you the best of the best!
And I hope to see you in the next chapter!
Love y'all <3

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