Twenty one

120 9 0

3rd person's POV

"Hurry the fuck up HE'S IN LABOR!", and with that the call ended.

At the hospital...

Even though having kids might be amazing, giving birth to them is a different story.

The room was filled with the cries of the male that was in pain and the comforting words the older was giving. The others that were present too could only comfort the younger by saying soothing things because there was one who wouldn't let them any closer to his loved one.

"Just remember that being together with your kid is awesome."

"Later you can say they were a part of you."

"It's gonna hurt only for this moment."

"The pain is gonna end."

"You're doing great!"

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

"BREATHE! In and out and in and out..."

And they started to breath together which actually helped and calmed the young male down.

*time skip*

"Omg, she's so cute!"

"What's her name?"

"We named her Ju."

"What a wonderful name."

"Great choice."

"She looks like Winwin."

"NO! She looks like Yuta."


And they started to argue about whom she looked similar too. In the end they decided that she looked like both. During their argument a small family was silently watching and enjoying their time together. Sicheng had their daughter in his arms while Yuta was cuddled close to them.

If you would have been there, your heart would have melted at the sight.

*a few hours later*
Back at home...

"What do you wanna do now?", Taeyong asked Jaehyun.

He sneaked his arms around his waist and cuddled close before saying,
"What about we watch some movies?"

"Sounds nice. As long as I get to be close to you I don't really care anyway", the older of the two answered and earned a kiss for what he said.

They prepared some snacks and set everything up. Then they settled down and cuddled up close to each other. Because Taehyun was over at Gi's and had the time of his life, they were able to spend some quality time together as a couple. Just the two of them.

After a few movies and some make out sessions there was a quiet knock at the door. Who may that be? Nah, you're going to figure it out anyway.


Jaehyun opened the door. After a few minutes of a little staring contest, Taeyong's voice interrupted them.
"Who's there?"

"And you are?", Jaehyun asked.

"Well, I'm definitely not looking after what's yours." And Jaehyun's behavior changed from one second to the other second.

"I'd let you in, but I'd be interested in who you are first", Jaehyun said completely friendly this time.

Don't u remember? ~ Jaeyong ✔Where stories live. Discover now