Twenty three

103 10 0

3rd person's POV

"Well I'm pregnant... and your the... other father..."

There was a long uncomfortable minute of silence. 'How is he going to react?' 'What will he say?' 'Will he leave me alone?' 'Does he even want a kid?' 'Will he accept our child?' 'And will he accept me?' 'Is he going to live together with me?' 'Will we be happy together?' 'What if he will hate me?' 'What if he doesn't want a kid?' 'What if he is going to scream at me?' 'Will he blame me for it?' All those questions were running wild in Kun's head. He was afraid and anxious.

It was his first time talking to the other father of any of his children. He didn't know who Chanyeol's other father is. So he never had to think about a situation like this. After the one night stand he had the night which Chanyeol was the result of he never had a single one night stand again. Did he want to know who the other father is? Yes, in the beginning he did, but now he accepted that they are just two. (Well, not that long anymore.)

The track of his thoughts got interrupted by Hansol's voice. "Are you sure that I'm the father?"

"Yes because you're the only one I slept with in a while...", Kun answered sounding a bit embarrassed.

"I guess I have to take responsibility for it then", Hansol announced.

"I don't want you to do anything you feel pressured to and don't want to do. I do get it if you don't want this. Trust me I really do. It kinda was an accident even though I'm never gonna say this to our kid and I honestly don't see it that way either. I don't want you to make a mistake, even more I don't want you to do something you could regret. And I definitely get it even more if you don't want to be here... with me... no one ever wanted that...", Kun rambled, but his voice got tiny in the end.

"I do want to do this and when I say this I really mean it. Even though it could be described as an accident I don't see it that way either. And why the fuck would I be so stupid and miss a huge opportunity to spend time with someone I might have feelings for that cross the borders of friendship? I'd be really dumb if I did that", Hansol smiled at him.

Now Kun felt like everything could turn out better than expected. He had hope inside of him and not just a little amount.

"Thank you. Really thank you very much. I was afraid of your reaction, but you managed to calm me down", Kun admitted.

"That's nothing you should have to thank me for. That is the least I can do. I'll order us some food. What do you think of cuddles and a movie?", Hansol said.

"Sounds great. I'll already search for a movie if that's alright for you."

"Sure do that."

*a few minutes later*

ding dong

Kun wanted to get up to open the door, but a muscular arm prevented him from doing so.

"You stay here and relax and I'll open the door", Hansol clarified. (What an overprotective man.)

He came back with their dinner, placed everything on the table and made himself comfortable very close to Kun again.

After some time they got interrupted by some noises coming from a specific bedroom. (Who's room could that be ;)?)

"Sounds like they're having some fun."
End of flashback

Taeyong woke up feeling the warmth of his lover from behind. Oh how he loved to wake up like this. But right now he knew that he had to wake him because Jaehyun needed to get ready for school. So he gave him a peck and whispered, "Good morning babe, time to get ready for school."

But the younger had other plans. He pulled Taeyong even tighter against his chest and cuddled really close to him. In that position making himself comfortable and giving his other half a good morning kiss.

"I love you", Jaehyun said in his hoarse morning voice.

"I love you too, but that won't change anything about the fact that you still have to go to school", Taeyong laughed.

They got up and got ready. One for school and the other for his day. Jaehyun went into the room of their kid. He loved seeing him sleeping there so soundly as if there was nothing bad in the world, he will never get enough of this sight.

After that he went into the kitchen where a lovely selfmade breakfast was already waiting for him. After the breakfast he bid his goodbye to his family, but he didn't leave before he got his goodbye kiss.

*one week later*

Taeyong felt something that was pretty familiar to him. He already knew what that possibility meant, but still he had to be sure first. In the bathroom he did what he did the last time and waited. Yup, he was right. The signs are always the same. But how was he supposed to tell him? He was going to think about that later. Right now all that was running around in his head was one single sentence:




Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone), tomorrow is Christmas eve and because Christmas is only at the 24th for me, you'll get a special present from me tomorrow.
What do you think will the gender of the new baby be?
I wish you all a perfect day!
See u!
Love y'all <3

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