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3rd person's POV

It was a Sunday. Taeyong woke up in the middle of the night feeling hungry. So he got up and quietly went to the kitchen. As soon as he reached his destination he noticed that he wasn't the only one awake. Who would be up at this time?

"What are you doing here?"

"Can't sleep, you?"

"I am hungry. What an annoying human need. Why in the middle of the night. But enough of that what's keeping you up all night?"

"Oh, it's not that important. Do you want me to make you something?"

"No, no it's alright. I'll grab something to eat and hurry to bed again. And you, you should try to get some sleep too. We'll see each other in a few hours for breakfast. And remember that if you have something you want to talk about, I'm here for you. I mean that's the last thing I could do for you. Now, go to bed and get some rest."

After their conversation Taeyong grabbed a snack and both went to bed again. Taeyong cuddled close to his loved one and fell asleep again. But did the other too?

*the next morning*

They were sitting together at the breakfast table. Today Johnten and their kids were going to come over.

ding dong

And there they are with their son and their newborn daughter named Pa. She's a really beautiful kid just like her parents. Pa had the looks of both her fathers.

The day continued like every other. By now we already have afternoon and no one went home yet. Taehyun was watching Minjun and Chanyeol play. "They somehow look like a couple.", he thought. But soon he found a different thing to do.

Jaehyun and Johnny were sitting in the kitchen talking about god knows what. Probably top stuff ;) At the same time the bottoms were sitting in the living room.

"Once again I experienced that even though pregnancy may be exhausting the result is always worth it", Ten announced.

"I'm really happy for you and your family", Taeyong sincerely said.

But Kun on the other hand didn't look that amused. He rather looked like someone that was thinking about telling his friends something important.

(You might think "Telling them what?", but don't worry you'll find it out soon enough.)

"Earth to Kun!", Ten was waving his hands in front of his friends head.

"What's up? You already seemed to be quite far away with your thoughts for the whole day!", Ten stated.

"You know you can tell us everything. You already could have told me this night if there was something bothering you. And there obviously is", Taeyong added.

"Oh, it's... nothing-"

"Bullshit! We're your friends and family and definitely NOT blind! So don't even try lying!", Ten urged.

"Hey, we don't want to pressure you, but if there's something making your feet heavy, then we'll feel it too because we can't stand to see you hurt", Taeyong explained.

"Okay, so you're right there is something making my thoughts wander away all the time. But I don't know if it's something positive or negative yet", Kun started.

"Just say it! We won't judge you nor will we leave you alone. You should know that!", Ten reassured him.

"I'm pregnant...", Kun announced in a tiny voice. The other two kept quiet for a short second, looked at each other and then at him.

"Why should there be anything negative about it?", they asked at the same time.

"Well, I'm not sure who the father is and raising a kid alone can be really exhausting", Kun admitted.

"Oh, trust me, I know. But don't worry we'll find the father and of course we'll be there for you all the way as well", Taeyong said.

"What about Hansol? Wasn't he the last one you slept with?", Ten questioned.

"Who?", Kun and Taeyong said in chorus.

"Oh, you don't know him, right? It's that dude from the 7 minutes in heaven game" Kun was still staring at him dumbstruck.

"The one you slept with", Taeyong added.

Now it made click in his head and the only response he was able to give at the moment was a nod.

*a bit later*

Taeyong was in the kitchen preparing some snacks they wanted to take with them to Luwoo's house later. While he was standing there in front of the stove someone sneaked their arms around his waist and started to rub small circles over his belly.

You already know who it is.

"What's with that strange behavior of him lately?", he asked himself.

"I love you", Jaehyun whispered right next to his ear.

"I love you too", was the response he got.

"Taeyong can you come here for a short second?", a stressed male's voice was heared.

"Sure, one second!" Taeyong removed his lovers armes and hurried to where he has been called.

"I'm not sure how much your son knows, but he definitely does not know the meaning of that. Right now I'm asking myself how your son was able to get to one and especially how was he able to make it positive?", Ten said holding something in his hand that looked really familiar. Something Taeyong didn't use in a while.

"I'll talk to him", and gone he was.

"Hey sweetie, do you have a second?", he started.

"Sure appa, what's up?", Taehyun answered.

"You remember this?", Taeyong asked holding the thing in his hand.

"Ummm, yes. I showed it daddy, but he didn't tell me what it was. What is it?", the little one responded.

"Where did you find it?", he ignored his question.

"Why do y'all ask me the same question? I found it in our bathroom", the baby said confused.

"Ok, thanks honey. Have fun playing."

After that conversation he went to Jaehyun. Now he knew what was going on.



"I think I've got to clear up something", Taeyong started.

"Sure what is it?", Jaehyun was attentively paying attention.

"Our son might have shown you something and you interpreted something else into it." Jaehyun looked confused.

"The pregnancy test he showed you. The positive one."

Now it made click in Jaehyun's head and he was listening even more carefully.

"It's not mine. I'm not pregnant."

"Oh, but of whom is it then?"

"It's Kun's."

*time skip*

At Luwoo's...

After everyone gathered at the table Yukhei and Jungwoo stood up. Everyone got silent.

"We'd like to announce something", Lucas started.

"We are going to get a new family member. I'm pregnant", Jungwoo finished.



Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone),
Have short days until the Christmas holidays.
I sincerely wish all of you an awesome day!
See u!
Love y'all <3

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