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Yangyang's POV

*after the summer break*

I'm not really much of a fan of going to school anymore. Every morning I wake up with the two people I love most in this world, but I know that I won't get to see them until after school. Dejun ge is working as a full time dance teacher now and Kunhang ge is still working in the bar. So sometimes they have to work late and I don't get to see them for long.

I miss the times when we all had to go to school in the morning, spend lunch break together and went home together afterwards. With whom should I spend them now? I don't know. Before I met Xioajun and because of him the other ones, I've been alone often. I guess it's going to be like that again.

But enough thinking so early, I need to get ready for school. And so I tried to get up, but got pulled down again by two muscular arms. They sandwiched me and I kinda had the feeling that I wasn't able to breathe any longer.

"I need to get ready for school", I groaned, trying to get rid of their arms.

"Only five more minutes~", Dejun whined and I had to give in to their cute expression.

*a bit later*

"FUCK!" Now I hurried to get out of bed and ready for school. Guess what, I had fallen asleep again and now I'm probably going to be late for school.

I grabbed a random hoodie and some pants that were laying around and went to the bathroom to get ready. Taking a short look in the mirror, I saw that I was wearing their clothes not mine, but I was too late to change again. And actually I love their clothes, so I wouldn't have changed anyway.

When I came out again, guess what I saw. Well it was actually something that surprised me. Both were dressed. Xioajun had something to eat for me in his hands and Hendery was holding the stuff that I needed for school. Oh, I just love them!

"ThAnK yUo!", I half screamed and gave both of them a peck on the lips.

"Here you need to eat something", and Xioajun gave me my breakfast.

"He could just eat us", Hendery commented which earned him a slap from Dejun.

I was still too tired to answer this, so I just ignored him. Giving each of them a goodbye kiss and taking my school stuff, I went to the car waiting for Kunhang knowing that he would drive me.

At school...

I hopped out of the car after bidding my goodbye one last time and hurried to my class. On my way there I wasn't really looking where I was going and bumped into someone. I bend down to get my and I guess his stuff up. But I guess he had the same thought because we hit our heads together. That's why I finally looked up.

"Are you alright?", the kinda handsome stranger asked, but he's not my type.

"Yes, how about you?", and he nodded.

I took my stuff and helped him to get his. Looking at the clock I saw that I nearly would be late, so I bid my goodbye to him and went to class.

*lunch break*

I was making my way to an empty table when a hand gripped my wrist. Being immediately ready to defend myself, I spun around and looked at whoever just stopped me. He laughed at my reaction and I loosened up a bit by seeing who he was. I didn't really know him, but he had seemed nice earlier when I bumped into him.

"Do you wanna sit with us?", he asked and I had to admit that I hadn't even realized that he wasn't the only one standing there.

"Ehm, sure, but could you introduce yourselves first?", I responded still a bit shocked at his offer.

"OMG, sorry~! I totally forgot that", the guy from earlier laughed and the rest only shook their heads.

Not like I had expected someone else started. He was quite small, but seemed like one you wouldn't want to mess around with because of his pent up anger. "你好 (Nǐ hǎo), I'm Renjun", he introduced himself.

Next was someone who seemed pretty strong because of his build. He was muscular and taller than the other one. "안녕 (Annyoeng), I'm Jeno. Pls don't get confused when the others call me Nono."

And last but not least there was the one standing right in front of me. He was the one I had bumped into earlier, but it seemed like he had already forgotten. Because of his bright smile and nice attitude I assume he was funny and nearly always in a good mood. "HeY~, I'm Jaemin. My friends often call me Nana."

Well he was different and definitely special already only by the way he introduced himself.

They were looking at me and I guessed it was my turn to introduce myself, "Hey, I'm Yangyang. Nice to meet y'all."

And so we settled down together at an empty table. Shortly after another person joined our table. It was a tanned male who seemed sassy, but definitely fun to be with.

"Who's he?", he said while sitting down right next to me which I actually hadn't expected.

The second I wanted to introduce myself Jaemin already was doing it for me. The male nodded as if approving who I was and said,
"I'm Donghyuck, but you can also call me Haechan".

Then he started to dig in. I only had noticed that Donghyuck had arrived, but there was actually another one who had joined us at the same time.

He looked a bit quieter and more sane then the rest, but that was only the first impression. "こんにちは (Kon'nichiwa), I'm Shotaro", he said and his voice sounded really soft while doing so.

When I thought this had been everyone now, I was wrong. A few minutes later and two people arrived that looked a bit younger than the rest. One looked like a baby chick that was simply way too tall. "Hello, I'm Jisung", he said and I was shocked by his deep voice.

The other one was way smaller and when he laughed he sounded like a dolphin. "Hi, I'm Chenle."

And they settled down on my other side. I thought that this had been finally everyone, but like before I was wrong again. Two boys came from too different directions and settled down one right next to Haechan and the other right next to Shotaro.

"Hey, I'm Sungchan", the one right next to Shotaro said. He was tall and good looking just like the rest of them. And if I didn't see it wrong Shotaro had blushed when the other had settled down right next to him.

"Introduce yourself!", the male right next to me demanded the last new comer.

"I'm Minhyung, but most people only call me Mark", he said and managed to show me a warm smile which I returned.

There was much to learn about them and I'm already totally interested in whom likes whom. I hope I'm gonna find out soon.


Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone), if you would like a part two, then that's what is going to await you.
Thank you again for coming so far. It was an amazing journey and I was glad that I could experience it together with you.
Goodbye for now!
Probably see u!
Love y'all <3

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