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3rd person's POV

The group of five went to Yangyang's apartment and had a really good time the whole day. Jaehyun even acted as if he was really Taehyun's father. If you would have been a stranger watching you might have really mistaken (*cough, cough- ends up choking*) him as his daddy.

After Taehyun had fallen asleep on Jaehyun's lap Hendery turned to him with a serious facial expression.

"What?", Xioajun said sitting right next to Jaehyun.

"He's not looking at you", Yangyang corrected and mentally facepalmed himself.

"Okay, okay! I can explain that", Jaehyun defended himself.

"We are gonna see. Now, spill the tea!", Hendery urged. Yangyang gave him a warning glare because he was too loud and he immediately apologized.

"So I met them like a few days ago. I went into my family's cafe to help and there was a really handsome, young man, maybe a year older than me. He was chocking on his drink and, me being the nice and helpful guy I always am, I rushed to his side to help him immediately. There was a light pulling on the hem of my shirt so I turned around. A baby which we now know as Taehyun was hugging my leg tightly and said "Daddy?". This is the first thing he ever said to me and since that day he kept calling me like that."

"And when and where do you always see him to be called like that so often?", Hendery asked.

"Well, I like to play with Chanyeol the son of their housemate Kun. He is three years old and I really enjoy spending time with him. Kun helped me once, so I try to help him as much as possible. Just like I did yesterday, but I forgot my jacket there 'cause it was already late. Because of that I had to go there this morning again. But Kun immediately insisted that I should stay for breakfast and so I did."

"Wait, so you say that you like his papa's looks?", Xioajun questioned.

"I mean, yes, what is there not to like about him? He is also really nice and I enjoy to spend time with him."

"WAIT, you like Taeyong? Omg, omg, OMG! That is amazing!", Yangyang said enthusiastically and was really happy hearing the good news.

"Hey, that's not what I said!", Jaehyun insisted because he was actually not able to answer that question properly. He didn't know the answer for the question himself.

But Yangyang just ignored what he said and was already imagining their future for them, like the dreamer he is.

When it got late everyone went home. Jaehyun brought Taehyun home safely. But as soon as Jaehyun was going to hand Taeyong the sleepy baby, Taehyun was against that.

"Papa want daddy to stay!", the little one said too tired to scream.

"I don't want to bother your papa. I will come back tomorrow, okay?", Jaehyun suggested.

But Taehyun had other plans and hugged Jaehyun even tighter. So Taeyong had no other choice than to say: "You won't. Come in."

And so he did. He brought Taehyun to his crib, turned the lights of and wanted to leave. The baby did not like that.

"Daddy stay. Wanna cuddle!", he announced in his tiny voice.

So Jaehyun put Taehyun in the king sized bed that was also in the room and layed down right next to him, because he was already in comfortable clothes Taeyong gave him to sleep in. The little one cuddled close to his side.

A few minutes later Taeyong came in to make sure that everything was alright. All he found was a heartwarming sight in front of him. The moment he wanted to leave again a tired voice got his attention: "Papa come here too. We are family!"

He had no other option than to lay down on the other side of his or should he say their son. This special night Taehyun felt protected from both sides being cuddled close to both his parents. He slept better then ever before.

*the next morning*

Chanyeol opened the door to his friends room 'cause he wanted to play and because his papa asked him to, but instead of seeing his fellow friend sleeping in his crib he saw him, his papa and his so called daddy sleeping.

They were cuddled up close to one another (Yes even the whole family!) in the bed that Taehyun only had because Chanyeol had one too and he really wanted one so he could be like him.

The young boy silently made his way back into the kitchen and showed his appa the sight he found in his friends room. Kun felt like a proud mama who's kid just learned how to walk. He had to take a picture of this. And one day he would give them a photo album of every of their cute moments that he had the honor to witness.

Even though he would have loved to leave them in peace Jaehyun still had to go to school and Taeil would scold the shit out of him if he just would let him skip classes. So he sadly had to wake them up. Surprisingly Taeyong and Jaehyun did not act awkward even after noticing that they in some way cuddled too. They somehow already were used to it. I wonder how. I wonder why.



Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone), yay we are slowly stepping their relationship up. Look forward to the rest of the story.
Wish you everything that is there to wish.
Hopefully see you in the next chapter!
Love y'all <3

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