Thirty one

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Author's POV

Time had passed in only a blink and by now Jaehyun, Lucas, Hendery and Xioajun already had graduated.

Yangyang is sulking about the fact that he's the only one left to graduate. He often complains about it, saying that he doesn't know with whom to spend lunch break now and that he feels alone and lost. His now boyfriends Kunhang and Dejun feel a bit guilty about it, but what can they do? Nothing, exactly.

You remember that one special Christmas day, right? Ever since then Taeyong and Jaehyun had started planning their marriage. They decided that it would be better if Jaehyun would graduate first and so they waited until he did. He was desperately awaiting this special event and so they planned for it to take place shortly after his graduation.

And guess what day it is. Exactly! The day both males had been waiting for so long. The day of their marriage. And if I say that they were nervous, it would be the understatement of the century.

Xioajun, Hendery and Lucas were with Jaehyun and tried to calm him down. He was so nervous that he wasn't able to focus on anything.

But Taeyong wasn't doing any better. He was an emotional mess trying not to cry because then he would only ruin his makeup. Jungwoo, Winwin and Kun tried their best to say calming and reassuring things.

So a bit stress would be taken away off his shoulders, Taehyun was with Yangyang and probably also with the other children.

3rd person's POV

"Hey, listen to me, okay?", Jungwoo started and Taeyong nodded, attentively listening, "You can't imagine how nervous I was before my wedding. But look how happy I am now. The day I married Yukhei was one of the best days in my life and I never regretted it, not even once. He completes me and so does Jaehyun to you. You're going to be amazing and even if you would make a little mistake, he would still love you. Don't you ever forget that, alright?"

Those words took some of the pressure of his shoulders.

"You might be nervous now, but one day you're going to remember all of this even and be like 'Why was I even nervous?'. Yuta told me he nearly shit his pants because of how nervous he had been and we both laughed about it. Everyone is nervous at their special day. It's totally normal. I'm sure Jaehyun is just as nervous as you right now. But the outcome is definitely worth all of this stress trust me", Sicheng said, giving Taeyong a bright smile which he got returned.

And with the pressure being taken of the first groom the others helped him to get ready.

"Omg, Jaehyun calm the fuck down again!", Xioajun let out, the annoyance was by now also visible in his voice.

He was feeling the same things as his best friend, because he was compassionate, but wasn't sure how he should take the pressure of off him. Hendery wanted to calm his baby and so he wrapped his arms around Dejun's waist. It definitely had the effect that he wished for and Xioajun slowly relaxed against his touch.

"Okay listen to me. When I married Jungwoo, I was nervous as well. For some time I even thought that I forgot how to breathe. But believe me when I tell you that it was one of the best days in my life. I would never regret any decision I made in my life that led me to where I am now and this obviously also includes my 'I do!' at that one special day. Just like Jungwoo makes me feel complete Taeyong makes you feel complete and it is good that way. Even when you screw something he would still love you. Remember that, okay?", Lucas said which earned him a hug from the groom.

And so Jaehyun was able to get ready with the stress being taken of his shoulders.

*a little time skip*

Don't u remember? ~ Jaeyong ✔Where stories live. Discover now