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3rd person's POV

After a few hours Kun brought Jaehyun back to reality. Because Jaehyun was so grateful and thankful he wasn't sure how to express that so all he did was give Kun a really tight hug.

As soon as they opened the door that led them to the rest of the house, they heard a tiny voice shouting:
"Daddy, daddy, daddy!"

And a little boy came running their way as fast as his short legs allowed him. He hugged his "daddy's" legs really tight and was not intending to let go again.

I might tell you that Kun was looking really dumbstruck and definitely did not understand shit. So he just stood there and watched. After a few minutes he decided to leave them alone.

"Where is your papa, little one?", Jaehyun asked in a voice as if he was talking to a baby which he obviously really was.

"He's shower", Taehyun responded, not caring that what he said wasn't completely correct.

He dragged his daddy to the living room where Chanyeol already was and they all played together.

When Taeyong came back from the shower he stood there frozen again. Why does stuff like that always have to happen to him? And why does his heart still beat faster everytime he sees him? But doesn't it also hurt everytime he sees him? Yes, it definitely does. Even worse than you probably can imagine. So what was he doing here in his house?

He stood there and watched. And even if he might not admit it, but a smile slowly kept creeping on his face that grew wider and wider while the minutes flew by like the evening breath. But he wasn't the only one watching. Kun did too and he even took a few pictures secretly. Putting in mind to show them one day.

Yangyang's POV

I was going to have a few exams soon. But I sadly have to tell you that I'd probably need a little help. I mean, I'd just say math and I are well... probably not the best friends :)

So I asked Taeyong for help and he asked Kun who then asked Taeil and Taeil was the one that finally found someone to ask to help me. And that person said yes.

So I'm gonna meet him today. I'm kinda excited. All I can say is that he is a grade above me and I'm quite sure that everyone knows what they say about seniors. Nah, I'm not gonna expect that much, but maybe we can be friends. But, what am I going to do until he arrives? Perhaps I should shower. I mean I want to leave a good impression.

So that is what I did. I went into my shower, played my favorite music pretty loud and sung to it. And I honestly didn't care if the lyrics are right. The moment I was finished the door bell already rung.

FUCK! Well, I guess that was it with the good impression. I tied a towel around my hips and went to open the fucking door. What can I say? Awesome timing. So I opened the door... There he stood. He looked like a motherfucking angel, but he was pretty short. I let him in and went to get some clothes. Well, I guess that was a shock for both of us. I came back, but this time with clothes on. He smiled at me which made me feel a really strange feeling. I probably should ask Taeyong hyung later about this.

"你好 (Nǐ hǎo), I'm Xiao Dejun, but you can call me Xiaojun."

I looked at him and was stunned by his voice. But I somehow still managed to respond. "Hey, I'm Yangyang."

After that everything went smoothly. (Smooth like butter...) We got along pretty well. So I guess I have a new friend. That's awesome! When we were finished with the school stuff which I surprisingly understood faster than expected, we started to talk about random things. And all I can say is that he is really nice and that I really enjoy spending time with him. We both fell asleep on my couch.

Taeyong's POV

*the next morning*

I went to Yangyang's apartment just like always to look for him. He's kinda like my second son. I feel the same motherly instincts for him that I feel for my actual son. So I opened the door with the spare key I have. And guess what I saw?

Him sleeping on his couch with some dude I did not know. Do you really expect me to leave again, acting like I did not see anything? Yes? No! Definitely NOT! I atleast have to know who that is. Before I went into the kitchen and started to cook breakfast for them I secretly took some pictures. With good intentions of course. Well, and maybe to have proof and perhaps also something against Yangyang.

After around half an hour I was finished with the breakfast, placed the plates on the table and went to wake the two sleepy heads up.



Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone), I hope that you like my book so far. Another chapter another person. No, kidding it won't always be like that.
Wish you the very best!
I hope to see you in the next chapter!
Love y'all <3

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