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3rd person's POV

"I can imagine that. And you two might be? 'Cause I will definitely not call you "papa" and "daddy".", Ten laughed.

"There is only one that he is ever gonna call "daddy"."

Of course just a light one.

"Choose your words wisely! Or you know who will sleep on the couch tonight!", he warned his husband that appeared out of nowhere. How did he even know where to find them? The "couple" watching chuckled lightly.

"Hello, so to answer your question. This is Jaehyun and I am Taeyong. I'd say nice to meet you. I guess this is your husband?"

"Yes, he sadly is. His name is Johnny by the way", Ten said jokingly. And nearly got cuddled to death for that statement.

Everyone was or at least seemed happy, but little did they know that one of them felt a bit lonely. It's understandable at some point in life you don't want to be alone anymore. You have the need for a partner or even two. But that's alright. All I can say is that you will never know what your future or probably even fate will bring. Even though it might just be karma, take every opportunity life gives you. It might be the biggest gift ever.

They spent the rest of the day together and had a really funny time.

But what was the important thing where Yangyang had to help? Let him tell you.

Yangyang's POV

Back at the playground...

All of a sudden two boys were standing in front of me. I wasn't able to recognize them in the first second because I was blinded by the sunlight.

As soon as I saw their faces I felt that strange feeling again. And no it wasn't because of one it was because of both of them. I really should ask Taeyong hyung about that strange feeling. He is a bit like a second father for me. That feeling. It's kinda as if there were butterflies in my belly. Strange.

But before I was able to lose myself in my own thoughts, they each already took a hand of mine and started to pull me away. If I wouldn't have been in a worry about the little one I surely would have felt that feeling again.

"Hey, we have to get Taehyun! He's motherfucking alone right now! Taeyong will kill me in the worst ways possible. And where the fuck are we even going?", I exclaimed and there was definitely worry visible in my tone.

"Don't worry Ten ge is there too. I talked to him. He will bring him home later", Hendery announced and seemed kinda proud of his own idea. Did that calm me down? Yeah, probably a little bit.

But for that listening to his voice already would have been enough. Omg! What the fuck am I even thinking?! I must be sick! To the doctor with me! No I'm only kidding, but in all honesty I really have no idea where we are going. Should I let them surprise me? Nah, they could take me anywhere and I would be happy as long as they would be with - OMG! What is wrong with me?!

From that point on I kept on concentrating on my surroundings just so I didn't have time to think anything weird again. We already left the park. Why did I not notice that?

Anyways we are turning into a beautiful alley right now. What are we doing here? We continued walking until we reached a huge gate.
I still don't get whatever we are doing here. Hendery entered a password and pressed a button. The gate opened fully automatic. Impressive.

After we went in we walked a little path, surrounded by a wide widow and there even was a lake, that led to an alley again where a few houses with backyards were. We kept on walking until we nearly reached the last one in the street. The house we were heading to looked really nice and I was sure it will look cozy on the inside. Hendery opened the door with a key he just got out of his pocket.

As we entered I noticed that we were still holding hands. My heart started to beat faster and I even tried to let go of his I mean their hands, but they only held my hands tighter, so I gave up pretty soon.

Just like I already thought, the house looked really cozy on the inside. There were pictures hung up on the wall. So I went there to look at them and because they didn't want to let go of my hands they had to tag along. Some pictures were from what I guess is baby Hendery. He looked so cute~ Look at that! Here is one where he has the waffle of an ice cream pressed against his forehead. It's soooo~ cute and adorable. I guess he wanted to look like an unicorn.

After I was finished looking at the photos they dragged me to, I guess, his room.

The day was one of the most enjoyable days in my hole life. Okay, this may be a bit exaggerated, but I really had much fun. The fact that we kinda left Taehyun was already forgotten. But because it was already pretty late Hendery insisted that we would have to stay over for the night and that's what we obviously did. The only "problem" was that there were no other free beds so we all had to sleep together in Henderys spacious and cozy bed. How tragic.



Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone), let me introduce you to Xiaohenyang. Hope you liked it so far.
I wish that you're doing great!
And I hope to see you in the next chapter!
Love y'all <3

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