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Taehyun's POV

Today I would visit Gi at uncle Uwu's ice cream parlor. I was already looking much forward to it soooooo~ much. Not only would I see Gi hyung then, but we can also eat really much ice cream. I wanna eat tasty ice cream until I can't walk anymore.

Now I should get up. And so I did. I went to the kitchen and was already able to smell the delicious breakfast prepared by my appa or uncle Kun.

When I arrived there my face lit up with a smile. Daddy and papa were standing there cuddling. That's all I ever wanted. A family. Papa is so happy ever since daddy came back. I just love my family. But that still doesn't change the fact that I wanna have a baby brother.

I went closer to them and asked with a pout, "Cuddles without me?"

"Come here baby", my daddy simply answered and so I did. I waddled my way towards them to join the hug. We were standing there all cuddled close to each other. After some time appa told us that we had to eat or I would be late.

*time skip*
At Jungwoo's ice cream parlor...

I was on my way to get some more ice cream when an older girl stopped me. Honestly I dunno who she is. "I saw you at the playground. The first few times you were there with your papa and then all of a sudden your 'daddy' appears there too. Honestly I have to tell you that I think he isn't your real father."

I only stood there dumbfounded, staring blankly at her. Who was she and why was she such a meanie? Me no like. I decided to just ignore her and get my ice cream. But even though I knew not to trust strangers, it somehow bothered me what she said. Out of nowhere a strong pair of arms lifted me up.

"What's up puppy? Why do you look so sad?", uncle Uwu asked, combing through my hair with his fingers.

"She was a total meanie", I answered, the sadness was clearly visible in my voice.

"Who?", he asked.

"I dunno. That girl appeared suddenly and acted like she knew me, but I dunno who she is."

"It's alright baby. Sometimes there are just extreme meanies. All we can do is ignore them and be nice instead", he sounded so wise while saying that.

*time skip*
Back at home...

I had an amazing day with my hyung. But I was still not able to get over what that meanie said. So I decided to ask him about it for myself. I searched for my daddy until I found him on the couch. Thinking for a short second I settled down right next to him, but from my position I was able to look at him.

Not much later my appa came back and settled down in front of us. I guess he already knew that I wanted to say something and so I thought about how to ask it. Not being sure, I just started straight forward, "Are you my real daddy?"

My heart was hammering in my chest. It was so loud that I was afraid someone else might hear it too. It's pace was unnatural and seemed kinda unhealthy.

This was the moment everything could change for me. Depending on the answer my world would either l chatter or just continue as it was. Anxiety running around in my whole body was all that I was able to feel right now. Seconds that felt like minutes and minutes that felt like hours were spent in a tensed silence and so I decided to look up.

I stared at my daddy, anticipating his answer. But instead of doing so he was looking at my appa as if he was the only one that knew that crucial answer. "Yes, he is."

Jaehyun's POV

The second our son had asked that question the anxiety and fear only grew with every second that passed. I knew that this question was quite a bit responsible for our future, but I also knew that I had no answer for this specific question. So looked at Taeyong who decided to speak up after some time, "Yes, he is."

Being satisfied with those words our son went to his room again. Now it was only Taeyong and me in our living room. He settled down right next to me and opened his arms. I willingly took the offer and cuddled close to him. After some time of silence, I decided to get my bothering thoughts out.

"Am I really his other father?", I asked against his muscular chest.
I didn't get a response, but I felt him nod.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? You know I wouldn't have minded", I asked another question.

"I told you. One night we were cuddled close together and had just talked about what name we would give our kid.

Through the conversation I figured that you wouldn't mind being a dad and so I decided to tell you. I told you that I might have good news for you back then, but didn't get a response and so I just said it. The response I got from you was an 'I love you'.

So when we met again I thought you'd still know, but then I figured out that you had forgotten everything. And when you got your memories back you still weren't able to remember, but I thought you'd be able to figure it out. Well I guess you didn't."

"I remember that conversation, but not you telling me that you were pregnant. It might be that I immediately fell asleep after and that the 'I love you' was only something I mumbled in my sleep."
He chuckled at that. I guess it all had to do with a misunderstanding. He thought he had told me, but I already had been asleep.

"I love you and I'm happy that I know now. This is my... our family and the best thing that ever happened to me in my whole life."

"I love you too."



Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone), we're sadly already close to the end. I really loved writing this story and I hope you enjoyed reading it.
Wish you a fantastic day!
See u!
Love y'all <3

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