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Jaehyun's POV

I'm actually a bit scared right now. Will that Kun dude really be able to help me? Will I finally be able to remember him? And when I will be able to do so, will I be able to find him? And if yes, will he hear me out? Will he give me a second chance? Will we finally be together and maybe even have a little family?

But after all those questions I wasn't sure anymore if I had any rights to hope. Should I start doubting my chances? No! I'm way to naive for that shit! I'm gonna continue dreaming just like I did ever since I left. I'm just a dreamer and that's gonna stay like that FOREVER! I still love him and I'm going to fight for that! For US!

And by the time that I was finished with my motivation speech, we already arrived at that mysterious male's house.

I kind of got anxious again, but the faint smell that greeted me as soon as the door open kinda calmed me down. Strange, right? That smell was strangely familiar to me. It calmed me down, made me feel at home, welcomed and fucking save. All I wanted to do was crawl under a blanket in a cozy bed and inhale this mysterious scent. And that's what I would like to spend the rest of my life like. OMG! I sound like a pervert! Yes, even a psycho! But who ever that scent belongs to, is a blessing. Whoever is able to call them theirs is the luckiest person in the whole universe.

Okay, I maybe should concentrate myself on something else. I mean my ideas are getting pretty unhealthy.
A friendly looking man opened the door for us. I guess Taeil hyung already informed him. The warm, genuine smile on his face made him seem even nicer.

And just at that moment I realized that a little boy was clinging to his leg. He was maybe two or three I would have guessed. So I kneeled down in front of him. First he was to shy to look at me and I understood that. I'm a complete stranger for him. But not long after, he looked at me and a bit later he even started to smile. Yes, that just proves again how pretty smiling human beings are. I held my hand out for him to take and for me to introduce myself. After a short moment of hesitation, he took it.

"안녕(-하세요)/ Annyeong(-haseyo), I'm Jaehyun. Nice to meet you. You can call me uncle if you want to", I introduced myself.

His smile grew even wider and he answered: "Hi, I'm Chanyeol and that's my appa Kun. Nice to meet you to uncle Jaehyun!"

That was followed by a quick hug and an "Uncle Taeil!"

I guess we get along pretty well. That is nice because I really love children. I wanna have a little one too~

While I was playing with Kun's son they were talking about something, but I didn't give a fuck. I enjoyed playing with Chanyeol way too much, I even felt like a kid myself. After an hour or so that felt just like minutes his appa came and asked me to follow him, but before I did so I tousled the boys hair. He gave me a tight hug and whispered: "We are friends now. Please come soon again. I really enjoyed playing with you."

All I could say was "I will! I promise!" and hug him back.

I followed Kun in a modern room with a huge couch right next to a window. There was also a swivel chair that looked really comfortable. He guided me to the couch and motioned for me to sit down. Then he started to tell me what he was about to do: "I will try to let you gain back your memories through hypnosis. You may not be able to remember every little detail, but first of all it's the safest way and second of all it's the only way I know that might bring most of your memories back. Are you alright with that?"

I was only able to nod. I mean I was really excited on one hand, but on the other I was thinking of the things I  probably won't be able to remember. But I guess it's better than nothing. So I layed down and waited for him to start.

He held a necklace like thing over my head and started to move it in circles. My eyes followed until I wasn't able to see it anymore. Once I was seeing nothing, he started to talk. And suddenly things started to appear.

It was probably my first day of high school and there is this really attractive boy that is most likely a year older. But WAIT a second! I'm not able to see his face clearly it's just all blurry. Maybe it's gonna get clearer soon. At least I hope so. Oh, if I'm seeing that correctly he's smiling at me. And I guess that's the part where I fell for him. How are you able to fall for someone's smile? Well, even though it may sound ridiculous, but I think I'm enough proof to confirm that it is possible.

Huh, my surroundings changed. Ah, it's another memory. Uh~ it's Christmas. I'm confessing to him under a mistletoe during snow is falling down on us. Aww~ how cute. I did not know I could be this romantic. And what a coincidence we even kissed. That was my first kiss and I have to admit that he's a really good kisser even though he just told me that it was his first kiss too. I'm sadly still not able to see his face. Well, I guess that's the part that I won't be able to remember.

I'm somewhere else again and my boyfriend is there too ofcourse. We're holding hands. I really enjoy his touch. Our hands fit perfectly, like they were made for each other. He's a little shorter than me witch makes him even more adorable. His laugh is like music to my ears.

I could tell you about the next memory too, but I want to kept it for myself. Well he knows too. All I can say is that we both lost our virginity that precious night...

Many other memories kept appearing and I'm really happy that I asked someone for help. I might not be able to remember his face or his name, but I gained the memories of the best time in my life back. And that is which makes me one of the happiest humans breathing on this earth right now.



Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone), here we go again. Hope you liked the chapter.
I wish that you're fine!
Hopefully see you in the next chapter!
Love y'all <3

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