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3rd person's POV

The group of friends, this time Kun's friends, decided to meet up once again. They went to the restaurant where Taeyong was working.

Kun was one of the first to arrive. His son was happily running around and when he saw his uncle Taeyong he was super hyped, immediately ran to him and hugged him. Taeyong crouched down in front of him hugged him back and tousled his hair. The baby laughed which made everyone around coo at his cuteness. He showed them their table and went back to work.

Soon after, Taeil and Doyoung arrived. First they gave Taeyong a hug and then went to the table. The chattering immediately started.

A bit later two familiar faces and one you weren't able to see because he was hiding behind his papa's legs appeared. Wanna guess who it is?
Well, Minjun of course was the complete opposite again after he saw his friend and they immediately started to play. Johnny and Ten who already had a clearly visible baby bump (I should add that he's seven months pregnant with a baby girl.) took the seats in front of their friends.

I can say with 100% accuracy that they were the loudest table. But who cares? As long as they're happy no one is going to complain.

"Hey love, you should behave your age", Johnny said with sassiness lacing his voice. Ten looked at him with an offended glare.

"What the fuck should that mean? Hmm? Guess who's sleeping on the couch tonight?" Ten countered. Now Johnny started begging.

"No, babe please that's not how I meant that." But Ten had enough of his shit.

All in all they had a really nice afternoon together.

At the same time at Yangyang's...

He was playing with Taehyun like always. But all of a sudden someone knocked at his door. Who could that be?

Taehyun was quicker than he was and opened the door. Will he get a scolding for that?

"Taehyun baby, what did I tell you about opening doors alone?"

"Not to do so~", Taehyun said sounding guilty.

Then Yangyang finally arrived at the door as well and was pretty surprised by his visitor.

"I brought dinner", Xioajun kinda awkwardly said. Yangyang smiled at him and let him in.

But because Taehyun already was tired and somehow used to Xioajun he soon fell asleep on his lap. At least that's what the other two thought.

They were eating silently until Xioajun broke the ice. "Is that- is he y-your b-baby?"

"Yangie my papa?", a tiny voice giggled, "No! Taeyong my papa! Jaehyun my daddy!"
Xioajun felt relief.

"Wait... who is Jaehyun?", Yangyang asked dumbstruck.

"My daddy!", Taehyun announced with certainty.

"Wait! WHAT?! Like Jaehyun- Jaehyun? I guess a handsome, young dude with defined muscels and brown hair?", a shocked Xioajun questioned.

"I think that sounds like him. Is the one you are talking 'bout nice?", Taehyun answered.

"I'd say so.", Xioajun said still shocked.

The baby was awake again, so Xioajun had an idea. "I'm sorry, but I really have to talk to him. I'd like to confront him and put him on speaker so y'all can listen too. Anyone something against that?"

There was a short silent pause. So he tried to call him, but that dipshit did not answer. By the time they finally reached him Taehyun already fell asleep again.


"You little fucker!"

"Behave in front of the kid!", Yangyang scolded.

"Sorryyy~", Xioajun made a cute face, so Yangyang wasn't able to be angry at him anymore.

"Who is the person that is with you?"

"Hi, I'm Yangyang a friend of Xioajun. And you?"

"I'm his best friend."

"You done? Let's get to why I called you. YOU HAVE A BABY?!!"
Yangyang hushed him down because of the sleeping little one.

"Huh? What do you mean? Do you really think I wouldn't have told you if I'm a father? I'm kinda offended by that. And how did you even come to that conclusion? Oh, wait in that crazy mind of yours everything is possible."

"First of all if you were right next to me right now I definitely would slap you harshly. And second well I have a baby sleeping on my lap right now that claims you as his "daddy". So how would you react if you were to be in the same situation right now?"

"Well, probably the same. Is that baby really cute and is his name Taehyun?"

"So you actually know him? WOW! What else are you hiding from me?"

"Nothing. I don't know why, but the first thing he said to me when we met was "Daddy?" and he continued calling me that. He is really cute so what can I do? And his father reminds me of someone, but I can't pinpoint who. I really enjoy spending time with Taehyun (a little "and his papa too" left his mouth, but most likely no one heard that)."

After they bid their goodbyes to each other they ended the call.
Taeyong arrived a few minutes later and brought Taehyun home.
Xioajun stayed over for the night at Yangyang's.

Everything seemed normal. But was it really?



Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone), hope you enjoyed reading that chapter. How are you doing?
Wish you're doing alright!
I hope to see you in the next chapter!
Love y'all <3

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