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3rd person's POV

In the middle of the night Jaehyun started to breath heavily.

You ruined my life. How dare you show up again. I hate you. You're a monster. I never want to see you ever again. Just go and never come back. You don't deserve to live. Just die.

He was not able to take this anymore. His face was already stained with tear streaks. His breath was uneven and seemed kind of unhealthy. Are you able to die because of a nightmare? Probably yes, but only when you're alone. And Jaehyun definitely wasn't.

Taeyong woke up because Jaehyun had started to shake. What the fuck was happening? When he looked at him he saw the tears running down his face. His inner instincts immediately made him hug the younger tightly. He tried to calm him down and whispered calming things. How could he help? The situation was definitely to his dislike. He will make to 100% sure that whatever made him cry like that will pay for it. Not being sure what to do. He started giving him light kisses all over his face which actually helped. The younger slowly woke up and immediately cuddled close to the older. When time flew by he calmed down. Taeyong made sure to continue hugging him while mentioning: "If you want to talk about it you know I'm here."

Minutes went by with them just silently cuddling.

After he had gained enough confidence Jaehyun started: "There was this someone I loved and still deeply love. He was a year older than me. We had everything we could have asked for. But like always life had to decide to put an end to our nearly perfect time together.

One night I was walking in a dark alley to get home quicker. I only took this route 'cause they made me work longer.

To explain why I already was working even though I was and am still going to school. I wanted to be able to grant us and our future family a good life.

There I met those strange people who had their faces hidden. I thought I could just walk past them, but they blocked my way. So I turned around to go back, but they already were circling me. Was I scared? I can't tell you. All I had in mind was to keep him safe. One of them suddenly started to talk. I'm going to repeat just what he said.

"You have two options.
The first one is that the person you love most in this whole universe is going to die.
Or second you have 24 hours until you are going to forget that specific person completely. Choose wisely!"

Obviously there was only one option for me. So I chose the latter one.

They disappeared into nowhere and I never saw them again. I ran home to him and hugged him tight. I kissed him passionately. How would I be able to live without him? I asked myself.

I was being pulled in two different directions back then. On one hand I badly wanted to tell him. But on the other I didn't want to worry him for nothing. So I decided not to.

The next day was luckily a Saturday, so I cuddled with him for the whole day. I already knew that I would miss him forever. But what other option did I have?

The next morning I woke up in my bed alone. He was gone. There only was an empty space right next to me. I did not remember that there normally would someone be laying, but I just had the feeling that something or rather someone no scratch that HE was missing. All his stuff was gone. I felt empty and I still do.

I want to find him, but I don't know how. I would give everything just to get a second chance. But I still can't remember completely. I tried with hypnosis, but even though I have my memories back partly. His face, his name and his voice are kinda still a mystery to me.

Wow it felt good to finally let all of this out to someone who actually listens and cares. The whole thing already happened nearly two years ago. Well only the thing with me getting a part of my memories back was just like a few weeks ago.

And the reason for me telling you all of this right now is the damn scary nightmare I just had.
I dreamed that I finally found him, but ofcourse his face was blurry again. Instead of an at least bit warm greeting he screamed at me and told me to die. It killed me because I know this could for real be his exact reaction.

You know I'm really scared to be honest. But I have you and Taehyun now so maybe I should just get over him and move on.

Sorry I lost myself in my words, but thank you sooo~ much for listening."

Taeyong was attentively listening the whole time while still hugging Jaehyun. Everything seemed pretty familiar to him, but he wasn't able to pinpoint how. He would just continue to be there for his family and yes that was including Jaehyun ofcourse. All he can do now is wait and see what the future will bring for him. The future that no one knows. We will see.



Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone), wow that was really hard to write. Did you expect something else as the reason?
I hope you're feeling amazing!
And I really hope to see you in the next chapter!
Love y'all <3

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