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Author's POV

The next morning they woke up to a light weight, which they were able to pinpoint as their own son, that threw itself over the top to of them. They had a great day. I have to admit Taehyun was probably one of the happiest children on this planet right now. He had everything he could have asked for. The first time in his life his family was complete. His appa and daddy together with him. It was just perfect. Was he able to become even happier?

Taeyong's and Jaehyun's interactions were even more intimate now. Maybe that talk the previous night changed them. And perhaps actually made them finally realize their feelings towards each other. How will they react and what will they do? Is anything going to change? We'll see.

3rd person's POV

Finally the day had come. The wedding. The weeding that everyone had been waiting for. The two males that'll be one in only a few hours are just like kids whose parents just told them they will get their favorite sweets soon.

*one hour before the wedding*

"Fucking calm down! And don't cry or your makeup will be ruined!", a stressed male's voice said.

"But that's gonna be the best day in my life! I'm so excited!", the younger male that is going to marry soon screeched.

"I honestly can't tell you, but just wait until you give birth to your baby. That was the best day in my life", the other replied.

(*door opens*)

"Yuta get the fuck out of here!", the male let out, stress clearly visible in his voice.

"But-", Yuta started.

"No seeing each other before the wedding! Period!"

"Taeyong pleaseee~!", the younger one begged.

"NO, Sicheng! Yuta get the fuck out of here right now!", Taeyong nearly screamed.

So Yuta left again.

*after the wedding*

(I'm sorry, but I did not write about the wedding ceremony because if there only is one it will be more special :) )

Everyone that was invited which honestly was everyone celebrated in the huge Yuwin back yard. The kids were enjoying their lifes in their cute, but elegant clothing. They even played that they were marrying too. Taehyun and Gi were standing hand in hand in front of Chanyeol that was the "priest" repeating exactly the words from earlier only with a few mistakes. After that Minjun was throwing petals at them smiling happily.

Mr. and Mr. Nakamoto were the two with the brightest smiles. They would say that this was the best day in their lifes yet, but you'll never know.

One of the guests was of course happy, but also kinda sad. He had no one to share his happy day with. Well, he had his son, but that's not what he meant. Kun suddenly spotted a young man that he found really attractive. Who was he? He kept on sparing him glances. "He is really handsome. But I guess he already has someone else. I mean, who wouldn't want to have him? Everyone would take him", he thought.

While Kun was focused on his desired ultimate boyfriend, two others were already acting like a couple. Jaehyun had his arm around Taeyong. The latter didn't seem to mind. If you wouldn't have known them you probably would have mistaken them as an already married couple.

Whoever looked at Taeyong just a bit too long for Jaehyun's liking earned themselves a deadly glare. Did Taeyong notice that and just ignore it? Or did he secretly like the younger's protectiveness?

Don't u remember? ~ Jaeyong ✔Where stories live. Discover now