Twenty six

108 9 0

Taeyong's POV

I knew I had to tell him, but I wasn't sure how to. Honestly, I'm proud that I decided that he should be the first person that is going to know. That way he won't be angry or something that he wasn't the first one I told.

I gotta admit I'm "a little" afraid of how he is going to react, but there is also a part of me that is like 'What the fuck could happen? Really not that much. He's a good boy, he won't do anything reckless or stupid.' I really love the thought of that. But it sadly cannot give me enough confidence to leave my anxiety completely behind.

Probably I should start thinking about ways to tell him. When we are already here will he see this as good news? I mean from my point of view it is, but does the same apply for him? I really hope so. Just thinking about all the possible ways that he could react, gives me a headache.

How can the thought of saying one sentence make you so scared? Okay, actually not even saying it, just thinking about it. Sometimes it's really scary how human minds can work. Oh, well and I should add that my emotions always have the perfect timing.

But now I really should start thinking about how to tell him. The first thing I should do is getting up without waking him up. So I carefully removed his arm that was wrapped around me, got up and tiptoed out of our bedroom.

Hmmm~, let's prepare breakfast. And so I did. Half an hour or so later everything was finished. Should I wake them up? But before I was able to make a decision, I felt a strong pair of arms sneaking around my waist and soft kisses on my neck. What a lovely greeting in the morning. I didn't know he could be that sweet.

The second he lightly caressed my belly I froze for a short second. Did he know? No, impossible and I relaxed once again. That really was the cause of a short heart attack. Omg, that was too much for me. I need to calm down again. Too much for me that early in the morning. I need to compose myself or he will notice something. I turned around and gave him his good morning kiss.

Let me announce something. I really love that dude in front of me and wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with him. Nah, I totally surprised you, right? I'm sure that astonished you and definitely caught you off guard.

Right now I have a pretty good feeling about telling him. Hopefully it will stay this way. The moment I heard little bare feet coming our way, a bright smile made its way to my lips. But I wasn't willing to separate from Jaehyun yet, so I stayed in our hug.

"Morning, how did our little boy sleep?", Jaehyun asked our son and I didn't mind him calling our son 'our' like at all. I mean he isn't lying tho.

"Great daddy. I dreamt of Gi hyung. It was an amazing dream", our son answered.

Honestly, I don't really know what he has with his Gi hyung. I sometimes already imagine them being a couple in the future.

"Watch them get together one day", Jaehyun chucked into my ear and gave me a kiss. All I did was cuddling closer to him.

The way my life is at the moment is how I prefer it to be and love it and the way I want it to be forever. I reached out for Taehyun and pulled him close. He was now in the middle of us. The whole family was complete. Well, apart of the one that is on it's way, but right now it's inside of me and in that way it is also a part of this group hug. So I can really say that my family is complete. Sure our friends are also part of this family, but that's not how I meant that.


I raised my head and turned it in the direction where the sound came from. And what did I see? Kun hyung standing there with his phone in his hand. Did he really just take a fucking picture? Why did he have to ruin our peace like that?

"Chanyeol hyung!", our son ran his way to give his hyung a good morning hug.

But I still stayed were I was, mentally sending daggers in Kun's way.
After that we had a really enjoyable breakfast together.

*a few hours later*

Jaehyun and I were cuddling on the couch when I decided that it was time.

"Would you like to have another baby?", only after the words had already left my mouth, I realized the little mistake I made, but luckily it didn't seem like he heard it.

"OMG, OF COURSE! What's that even for a question. You know how much I love babies. I love to spend time with Taehyun. Obviously I totally wouldn't mind another little one running around our home.", he enthusiastically answered. That statement made a little stress and anxiety disappear.

"I might have good news for you then", I started and definitely had all of his attention which kind of made me nervous.

"I'm pregnant", but it came more out like a whisper.

"Wait... who's the other father?"
Did he really just ask that? I mentally facepalmed myself. Really? How dumb can a person be? It's a wonder that he is actually not too dumb to breath.

"Well... it's obviously the not existing person I'm sleeping with that you as my fiancé don't know about", I announced. But he still looked at me dumbstruck. He really still doesn't get it?

"OMG! So much to my subtle way of trying to say this. I'm pregnant and YOU ARE THE OTHER FATHER", as soon as I finally got that out the confidence got replaced by an anxiety that was stronger than I had expected. I hid my face in his chest. How is he going to react? What was going to happen next?

Those questions were running wild in my mind until I felt his embrace tightening around me and soft kisses being placed everywhere in his reach.

"I love you and I always will. And so do I love our kids. Do you understand that?", and again something unbelievably sweet left his mouth. Being deep in thoughts, I didn't response to his question.

"Do you understand that?", he repeated and so I slowly nodded.

"I love you too. You know that, right?", I proposed.

He gave me a sweet kiss and we fell asleep on the couch cuddled up close in each other's arms.



Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone),
Hopefully you had a nice Christmas Eve with your family and I honestly hope you will have a nice Christmas time this year.
I wish you all a perfect day!
See u!
Love y'all <3

Don't u remember? ~ Jaeyong ✔Where stories live. Discover now