Twenty nine

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Ten's POV

I woke up, thanked whoever was up there for my great life and took a deep breath inhaling the amazing scent of my husband. Ignoring the fact that his arm was actually a bit too heavy and pressing me into the soft mattress, I enjoyed my lover's touch. I turned around in his arms and gave him a peck.

After that I got up and left Johnny who was still soundly sleeping in our bed. Closely listening I could make out that everyone was still asleep, but I wanted to check on them anyway.

I quietly opened the door to Pa's room and there she was sleeping in her bed looking like a princess. So I closed the door again and went to my next destination. When I arrived there, I opened the door to my son's room. Minjun was laying there looking like an angel. I love my children so much and I'm so thankful that I got these two gifts.

This family is amazing and the best thing that ever happened to me. I left my son's room again and went downstairs to prepare our breakfast. Not much later I felt a pair of strong arms sneaking around my waist.

(Smut warning! If you feel uncomfortable reading stuff like this, please skip the rest of this chapter.)

Soft kisses on my neck turned into ones that left marks. Moans started to leave my mouth and soon we were making out. I was pressed against the counter, Johnny in between my legs. Our lips were moving in sync. He bit my lower lip and I parted them. His tongue entered and started to explore my wet cavern once again.

Even though I already new that my chances were low, I still tried to fight over dominance with him. Soon I gave up doing so because I knew it wouldn't get me anywhere. I felt him smile at my surrender. By now my lips were swollen and my neck was plastered with hickeys. I wanted to feel his skin on mine so I pulled at the hem of his shirt. He immediately understood what I meant and pulled his and shortly after my shirt off.

The moment he wanted to take my pants off, I stopped him. "Stop, we could wake the kids."

"They won't hear anything if you keep quiet", he smirked at me.

I already knew where this would go and honestly I also wanted this. So I allowed him to strip me completely. It's not like this is his first time seeing me naked. He pulled his pants of as well and turned me around.

"Do you need prep?", he asked me and I lightly laughed at his statement.

He slid in and I hissed at the slight pain. After adjusting to his size once again, I allowed him to move. His pace was slow and steady at the beginning, but it quickly got replaced by an inhuman speed. My ass felt like it was on fire and I was sure that I wouldn't be able to walk properly after, but I didn't care right now. I felt like I was in heaven once again. So much pleasure was running through my body that I saw stars.

Minjun's POV

I woke up just like every morning. My stuffed toy that Chanyeol hyung had given me to my birthday was in my arms. I love it. Everytime I look at it, it reminds me of him. It's a beautiful thing to think off as soon as you're awake.

I felt my belly rumble and decided that it was time to get up. After giving my toy a tight hug, I decided to take it downstairs with me. I got up and went to my destination still being tired.

But what was that?

I stopped in my tracks as soon as I heard some strange noises. Where did they come from? I went a bit closer following the noise until I stopped close to the kitchen. The door was closed so I wasn't able to see anything and because I didn't dare to go closer, I probably would never see whatever was behind it.

What was this sound?

I wasn't even able to describe it. It was so strange, but I kinda had the feeling that I already heard it before. I think it once or so came from my parents room at some nights.

Is my daddy hurting my appa because it sounds a bit like he is screaming?

Should I go in?

No, probably not. It most likely would only earn me a scolding from papa and angry appa is really scary sometimes. He's even able to make my strong, big daddy obey to things he would never do for others.

I decided that it would be best if I would just leave this scene and tune those noises out. So I went to the couch and turned the TV on, at a really high volume.

Johnny's POV

"Fuck I think our son is up!", Ten got out in between his moans.

"If you keep quiet he won't hear", I reassured him barely getting that out in between my groans.

"Hmmm~, I'm close", Ten moaned and shortly after came over our chests. I followed closely after him deep inside and far up my lovers ass.



Author's note
Hello 여러분 (yeoreobun=everyone), I sorry that this comes so late. I hope you enjoyed it anyway.
Have a beautiful day!
See u!
Love y'all <3

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