Still the old me

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Aubrey POV

I was currently walking down the streets while I drank my pumpkin late. It was starting to get cold and fall was just beginning. Leafs fell down the trees and the sun peaked through the trees.

People talked around me and the sound off full streets filled my ears. Cafés Are packed and the season off cozy warm cloths has started. I love this time of the year.

„Do you want something from my cookie?" I heard
Emma asking me and I glanced down at her.

„No sweetie you can eat it's for you." I ruffled her golden blond hair and she grinned at me wide taking another bite off her cookie.

„Do you know when we will be at the vet?" she questions with a full mouth and I know she has that from me.

„Less than five minutes. You will see her again in no time." Her smile widened and she made little jumps while walking beside me.

After some short minutes we arrived at the vet and I let Emma sit in the waiting area so I could talk to the assistant.

„Hi, I'm Aubrey I would like to pick up Roxy."
The assistant tapped into her computer and nod at me smiling softly.

„Roxy is already done with the check up. I'll go get her she missed you a lot." she said while getting up and leaving behind her door.

„Alright. There we go. Roxy reunited with Aubrey." she said while handing me the box over.

„I hope she didn't make any complications. She has it hard to get used to others." I said while taking the box where she's in.

„Y'know a couple scratches here and there it's fine. She's a tough one. She did great." I glanced down at her and she laid in her box looking around confused.

„I'm so sorry. I hope I can make up for it sometime." I answered and she smiled at me.

„Oh don't worry about it. A support for the stray pet organization would be lovely. Or you could get me a coffee cause yours smells delicious." she pointed at the coffee in my other hand.

„You get the coffee next time when I'll come around for the next check up with Roxy. Doctor Smith already informed me about the organization. I've donated to them already. But thank you for helping Roxy."

„No problem. We help where we can. Hey Emma." she looked over my shoulder waving to Emma who was sitting behind me.

„Hiii. How's Roxy?" she asks while walking up to us.

„She's just as strong as you are. She will be happy to play the next day. But today she's a bit tired so go easy on her promise?" she answers as she got down to her height.

„Promise. Thanks." she said while taking the pet basket away from me.

„Emma sweetie are you sure you can carry her?" I yelled after her and she nod while walking off.

„I should probably go before she starts trouble somewhere." I pointed out and she chuckled at me.

„Sure go ahead." she said while walking back to the Reception.

„I didn't get your name by the way." I said and she pointed at her sign on her shirt.

„It's Quinn." she said.

„See you around Quinn. Have a good one." I waved at her while walking out back to Emma.

„Emma. What did I tell you the other day?" I said while jogging to her as she stood at the side walk.

We met again in fall (book 2 of Just a professor)Where stories live. Discover now