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Aubrey POV

My eyes opened and I tried to adjust myself to my surrounding. I was trapped in my basement under bricks and smoking wood. I tried to move but it was way to heavy for me. Shit. The basement was burning as well and I can't find anything to get myself out of this.

„Help! P-please I'm down here. HELP!!"
This was the only way to scream as loud as I could because I knew that I was trapped.

The room started to get hotter with every moment and my mind was starting to spin. I looked down at myself seeing how my clothes got drained in red.

„Fuck. Shit." I was starting to panic and I didn't know what to do anymore. I was getting in and out of consciousness and I don't know if it's from the smoke I inhaled or from the blood I was losing.

I tried to move but I groaned in pain and I feel like this was my last straw.

My eyes started to fill with tears as I began to feel weaker than before.

„I'm so sorry Lizzie. I love you." I mumbled under my breath knowing that no one will hear it not even Lizzie will hear me which is the most important person in my life.

Lizzie POV

I saw Emma running outside and the canvas that laid on the ground covered in dirt and glass. I looked into the building and all I saw was Aubrey falling down as she lost the ground beneath her.

My mind was on high alert and I can't stand here anymore and wait for my girlfriend to die.

„Miss Sorry but I told you before you can't go-."
I punched the police officer and ran past him making my way to the back entrance. I don't care if I die down here. If this is my last move, I'll do it because I can't live in a world where she wouldn't be around me. The door was open and half burned down. I was able to make my way through and I entered the basement she had talked about before.

I held my elbow in front of my mouth and nose to breath a bit better because of the smoke.

My eyes where tearing up from the black smoke and I wasn't really able to see. I walked further and stumbled onto something beneath me. I looked down and my eyes widen. It's bre.

„Bre. Babe. Hey wake Up. Babe. Please hey."

I cupped her face as I saw her dirty blood covered body. Her upper body was beneath bricks and wood and her legs half covered in bricks.

„Babe. Wake up. Come on. Don't leave me here.
I-I didn't let you say it. Oh my god babe please."
I was begging but she wasn't responding to me at all. No face muscle moved not a single word not even a breath.

„Come now. We gotta get out okay." I started to pick the bricks up and moved them away as I was trying to help her out.

After some bricks I saw one stained in blood which scared me even more.

„God I hate myself for letting you walk in here.
I-I will g-get you o-out." I tried to move more bricks but one was to heavy as it feel down again and my arm got stuck underneath it.

„Shit, no, no, no, no. Don't. Mhp." I was trying to get my arm out but i was in pain and I wasn't really able to move.

„HELP!! SOMEONE!! PLEASE! H-HELP." I took all the strength I got to call out for anyone but It seemed like I wasn't reaching anyone.

My consciousness started to drift off because of the smoke I was inhaling and my eyes landed on my girlfriend one last time. God I love her to death and if this is written for us I'll have to accept it.

We met again in fall (book 2 of Just a professor)Where stories live. Discover now