Is it really over?

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Lizzie POV


„Y'know what? I'm not doing this anymore. This is dumb." She huffed out and walked around her office table not finding a way to calm down.

„Are you serious? I'm done with college Soon and we can work this out. Just give me some time until I graduate." I pleaded and she shook her head.

„I can't see all theses guys drool over you. And you let them eye you up and down as if you enjoy it. I hate that they take your clothes off with their eyes."

„Oh come on! Don't be ridiculous. Your way to jealousy and I can't control everyone's eyes. It's not my fault." I replied and she shook her head.

„I shouldn't have fallen for you in the first place. We don't fit. A professor and a student. What was I thinking?" she mumbles and paced up and down.

„You think I chose to fall for you? It goes both ways." I pointed between us.

„I can't do this. I'm a horrible wife. I should be loyal." she blurred out in frustration.

„He treats you like shit. You deserve better and I can give you that. Just give me time and we can work it out."

„He didn't always treat me like this."

„But the fact that he does it is enough to leave him. He doesn't deserve you."

„I-I can't. I have r-responsibilities." she whispered and stopped pacing around.

„What him?" I scoffed and she shook her head.

„I'm expecting a child." my heart dropped to the ground. It shattered into millions of pieces as I hear this piece of information. Her eyes teared up and so did mine.
Feels like both of us are not letting happy tears out.

„So you still let him bang you?" I asked not caring right now about her emotions. I didn't realize how disrespectful I was.

„It's complicated let me explain." she blurred out and I shook my head getting my things together.

„No. I get it. It's over. You'll be a mom soon. A great one I hope. So. Congratulations professor O'Neal."
I blurred out and my vision became harder from my tears.

I blended every sound out and I didn't hear if she was talking back or not. But I left in a rush not giving her a chance to follow and catch me.

(Flashback over)

„Lizzie? You look a bit pale around the nose are you okay?" my thoughts snapped back to reality and I saw Aubrey's puffy eyes scanning mine.

„Hey? Olsen? What is it? You scare me." she replied taking my hand and i looked down at her touching me. After a moment of silence I pulled it back and she looked down to our hands and up to me fast.

„What's going on? Did I say or do something wrong?" I stayed silent and I wasn't really able to say anything. I feel like I lost my voice and I can sense how Aubrey's anxiety grew.

„I'm sorry for your loss." I husked out and she looked at me a bit confused. I probably said for myself too because I lost someone once really important to me. I didn't even know that she passed.

My mind flashes back to the time I last saw her. Fuck. It was in the hospital when Aubrey got into that accident. Why wasn't I able to put two and two together? How blind was I. Oh god. I'm with her daughter now. I had something with Aubrey's mom and now I have Aubrey. Fuck. Shit. What should I do?

„I think I should go." I breathed out and Aubrey's brows furrowed.

„I knew it was wrong to take you here. Lizzie can you please tell me what on earth is going on? I've never seen you like this." she asked hectic and I didn't feel like I should be here.

We met again in fall (book 2 of Just a professor)Where stories live. Discover now