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The sun was shining and my body was warming up from all the sun light. I looked to the side and my heart skipped as I see Lizzie laying there next to me. Her eyes are closed and I can see her chest rise and fall calmly.

The smell of nature filled my nostrils beside the scent of Lizzie which is the most familiar and calming thing I could smell. Her face is a little sun burned but I probably look just as red as she does. I glanced below us and saw all the little Picknick stuff laying around. Chocolate covered strawberries with white wine. Two books which we both read the one of Lizzie was about psychology obviously and mine was about art and it's history.

The birds above us flew back and forth and the clouds are moving with the wind. Changing its shape and form so I can see different things in them.

I feel like nothing can come in between this moment and this could be a moment where I would like to stay forever if I could.

„How long have you been staring at me?" I grinned at her question and I obviously didn't watch the time. My face turned red and I shrugged my shoulders.

„I can't help it. Your beautiful babe." I replied simply and she moved her body sideways to Cup my face.

„You Are beautiful too babe. But it's time."
She replied and I gave her a confused look.

„Time for what? I thought we would stay here?"
I asked and she shook her head letting out a sight.

„It's time to wake up!" She answered worried.

I blinked and my surroundings changed immediately. I wasn't at the Picknick with Lizzie anymore. I was in a darker hallway where the lights where flicking and it looked like a hospital to me.


„Lizzie? Are you here?"

„Babe?" I questioned while stepping closer to the open door at the hallway.

Nobody responded. The doors on the sideways are all closed except for the one on the end of the floor which I got closer to with every step.
I knew this roll from somewhere and as my eyes and mind adjust to it I knew where it was.

It's my gallery. I walked through and as I turned around there wasn't the hallway where I came from anymore. My mind was filled with confusion and I started grow sceptic on what was going on.

„Hallo? Anyone there?" the gallery looked just like it did before it got burned down.

Everything stood at it's place. I saw my drawings handing and it smelled like acrylic paints in here which was an all so familiar smell.

One that calmed me down as well.

„There you are babe. Here you go I brought you your favorite." Lizzie walked through the front door and gave me a quick kiss giving me my favorite coffee with a small brown paper bag with pastries.

I frown at what was laying in my hands and she gave me a worried look.

„Did I get you the wrong things babe?" she asked and I shook my head not giving her an answer.

„What's wrong? You look terrified." she asked and I looked at her now i see her covered in blood and smoke.

I dropped the things that where in my hands and stepped back in shock.

„Babe! What's going on?" she asked and I don't know what to think anymore.

I look around as I blink the walls started to burn and crumble apart.

„Babe we gotta get out of here. Now!!!" I took her hand and attempted to run away with her but she didn't move.

I looked back and she tilted her head.

We met again in fall (book 2 of Just a professor)Where stories live. Discover now