46| Never Ending Hell

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Chapter Forty Six

A D O R I N G A N N A L I S EChapter Forty Six

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"She's downstairs. Mom's pulling up now." Scott says at the same time he leans against my door frame.

After a full twenty four hours of endless fevers, dehydration, stomach pains, and a headache- most of the withdrawal side effects have faded away. The stomach pains have shifted into more of a discomfort from the remnants of the pills swirling in it. Now all I am is sickly- more so nauseous.

At some point yesterday, I mustered up the courage to ask if Halle was able to come over. The last time I saw her, she was extra quiet and wanted what I wanted. Space. Peace. Quiet. To be left alone.

She was grieving and wanted to spend time laying in my bed. I miss her now. Halle has been the only one who would understand why I had ended up like this. Besides, the poor little girl must be living the worst life living in Sheriff Walker's house.

I close my wardrobe door and slip my feet into my ugg boots, then leave my room to head downstairs to get her. The moment I open the apartment door and step into the hall, Scott follows.

"I can get her myself. You don't need to put a leash on me." He continues trailing down the stairs, and it's only now that I hope he didn't lock the door or at least bought the keys.

"I'm coming down to see mom. It's her lunch break so she can't come in. She's just dropping Halle and leaving." Thank gosh for that.

We reach the bottom once he's finished speaking. At that same time, I spot Natalie and Halle approaching the front door. Scott opens the door, and the little girl rushes in so fast that she nearly stumbles.

At the sight of her, more guilt settles in my chest. For so long I haven't seen her, when she needed someone. I may have lost my sister, but she lost her mom.

I lower to my knees for her, immediately welcoming her hug that was aimed straight for me. It's difficult to sneak my hands around her puffy backpack, but I manage to hold her little frame close to me.

Scott is standing to the side speaking with his mother who hands him a few different bags, and explains something.

"I haven't seen you in so long. I missed you." Halle tells me, hiding her face in my shoulder.

I close my own eyes and will the guilt to go away. It doesn't. "I know. I'm here now." I peel back from her slightly, still enough to see her face and tuck one of her curl's behind her ears that has escaped her pony. "I missed you too."

"How's your wrist?" She glances at the bandage pressed to her side. I retract it only because I haven't gotten over what had happened yet. Whenever it's bought up or looked at, I feel the pain more than ever.

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