81. Read, My Children🍋

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I want to make a giyuu book so badly but i didn't read the demon slayer manga. like i have an idea and everything but idk if it'll work so i'll read the manga then see.

Also gonna publish my levi story that's basically already written i'm just gonna edit and release the chapters as i go.

For this book next chapters will be about y/n and shoto when they were little cuz they were besties. after that will be a chapter about y/n and shinso's wedding. then that'll prob be the end. perhaps one of him showing her his hero suit cuz like he's so cute and he'd be so happy while doing it.


Now lemme talk about this chapter.

I feel like y/n and shinso r both switches but   y/n likes to be on top more and shinso likes to be on bottom more. If shinso were with anyone else he'd prob be a top. And idky but i feel like if y/n were with shoto she'd be a bottom. Moving on, i was considering putting a mommy kink in here but then i realized it made me extremely uncomfortable, don't even get me started on daddy kinks they just give me the ick so bad. so srry but no, shinso will not call u mommy. but i do like whining. that being said let's hear shinso whine.


It was late at night and you and Shinso were getting ready to fall asleep.

Well, Shinso was. You would much rather do something else.

You were just wearing one of his t-shirts as a night gown with nothing underneath, and he was just wearing a pair of boxers.

The TV was on and playing some netflix show that you weren't really paying attention to even though you were sitting up and facing the TV. Shinso was trying to fall asleep but he just couldn't seem to.

Shinso sighed as he rolled onto his back. He had been tossing and turning for at least half an hour now, but his insomnia kept him up.

"Want me to help?" You asked.

He ran his hands through his hair and settled them above his head. "How?"

You smiled at him.

He chuckled a bit before shaking his head. "We have work in the morning, Y/n."

You pouted. "But that's in the morning, we have all night"

Shinso shook his head again. "No we don't, we have to get to sleep or we'll be too tired for work."

You brought your hand to his face and caressed his cheek, then slowly dragging your hand downwards and ran it down his chest. "But you're always tired after sex."

He watched your hand inch closer and closer to his boxers before stopping suddenly.

"Who knows how long it'll be before you fall asleep?" You said with a shrug. "But if we have sex, then you'll fall asleep right after, like always."

He grinned as he started to sit up, only for you to grab his shoulders and push him back down.

"You said you like it better when I'm in control, remember?" You asked.

A blush dusted over his face as he slowly nodded his head.

"Alright" You said with a smirk as you climbed over to straddle him. "Then you do as I say now, got it?"

He nodded his head again. If he wasn't in the mood before he sure was now. Something about having you on top of him always put him in the mood.

You hummed as you ground your hips against his, feeling his bulge forming below you. "You know what I think?"

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