55. Halloween Scenario Part Two🍋

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Okie, this story just hit 1,000 reads so imma do it. Here's a lemon. If you're uncomfortable with that type of stuff feel free to skip this chapter, it won't affect the storyline at all so no worries!

You pulled Shinso into your room and dropped your kitkats onto your nightstand before pushing your door closed.

"Now I can do this without anyone complaining" You said as you grabbed Shinso's hands and pulled him closer to you. "Unless you have any objections?"

Shinso quickly shook his head.

You smiled. "Good!"

You pressed your lips against his and moved his hands onto your hips, then you ran your own hands up his arms until they were looped loosely around his neck.

You leaned against him until he fell back to sit on the edge of your bed, you followed his lips down and straddled his lap.

He pulled back from the kiss and gasped for air. "You know I can't hold my breath for that long" He muttered.

"You just need more practice" You said as you started kissing him again.

Your hands made their way into his hair and it only took one small tug for him to open his mouth the slightest bit. You used the opening as a moment to slip your tongue into his mouth.

One of his hands moved down to your thigh and started kneading the skin that was just at the top of your thigh-high socks.

The next time you parted for air he leaned his forehead against yours.

"Y/n" He said softly, looking into your eyes as if he was searching for something.

His hand on your thigh had moved up, his thumb rubbing the softest part of your inner thigh just under your skirt.

You nodded your head the slightest bit, forming an agreement without saying a word.

He raised his eyebrows and you just nodded again.

"I'm on birth control!" You said proudly. "Do you wanna hear about how awkward that talk with my dad was?"

"I'd actually rather not hear about your dad right now, believe it or not." He said back. "Tell me another time"

You nodded and reconnected your lips. At the same time you brought your hands down to the bottom of his shirt and pushed them under it, feeling over his lower abs.

"Take it off" You mumbled against his lips.

He leaned back enough to pull off his flannel and pull his shirt over his head, once they were off you immediately leaned back in to keep kissing him.

Now that the shirt was out of the way you were able to freely roam your hands all over his chest and abs.

You broke the kiss again and pulled off your own shirt, tossing it carelessly onto the floor and revealing a black, lace bra.

Shinso's eyes raked over your upper body, you weren't even naked yet but he was already looking at you as if you were.

He reached up and straightened the cat ears on your head.

"You want me to keep them on?" You asked with a slight smirk.

His blush deepened as he nodded his head.

The smirk stayed on your face as you climbed off his lap and your hands went behind you to unzip your skirt. The black material fell into a pool around your ankles along with the tail.

Shinso's eyes moved downwards, looking over the lacy black underwear you had on that matched your bra.

"You're fucking hot..." He whispered as he grabbed your hand and pulled you back onto his lap.

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