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"Guess who?" I heard someone's dark voice ask into my ear.

I gasp and struggled but felt Dark tighten his grip. I looked back at Mark as he started to wake up. He looked over and his brown eyes widen. "Dark! Let her go!" Mark gets up.

Dark chuckled and placed his head on top of mine. "And why would I do that? Besides," his warm hand grabs my right wrist and flips it around. A black 'D' was on my wrist. My eyes widen as I stared at the mark. "she's now mine. Like my on slave." He lets go of me and sits down onto the couch. Mark examines my wrist and sighs.

"God damn it, Dark. Remember last time you tried to do this?!" He glares at him.

Darkiplier shrugs. "But this one will be just fine. Trust me."

Mark looks back at me, concern in his eyes. "Well, looks like you're stuck with us for a long time."

I sighed deeply. "I thought that was going to happen." I looked back at Dark and glared. "Thanks, Dark."

He grins. "No problem, babe."

I growled under my breath. "Don't call me that, you perv'." I stormed up the stairs and went into the bathroom. I locked the door and looked at myself in the large mirror. My eyes were darker than usual. My hair was sticking up in every direction. I sighed heavily and turned on the water for the shower. I waited until it became warm. I started to take off my sweaty clothes, throwing them far away from the water. I climbed in and stood in the hot water. I started to relax and forget everything.

After fifteen minutes in the shower, I got out, wrapping a white towel around me. I shook my head, sending droplets of water around. I grabbed another towel and scrubbed my hair until it was partly dry. I went to grab my clothes to see a new set of clothes. I raised an eyebrow as I read the note.

~I bet you don't want dirty clothing to sleep I so I'm giving you a pair of my pajamas. Hope this doesn't creep you out that I came in the bathroom when you were showing.


I put down the note and grabbed the pajamas. The pants were Mark's own pajama bottoms that he sold in a live stream and the shirt was a white shirt that was a bit too big on you but not that like it could be a dress.

I walked out and went into the living room, seeing Mark on his phone. He looked up and set down his phone. "Oh good. They short of fit you."

I smiled. "Yeah. Just a bit."

Mark got up and came closer to me. "Hey, are you ok here?" I looked up and nodded slowly. "Ok. I just don't want Dark to do anything crazy to you. You understand that right?"

I lowered my head and started to laugh. "What? Did just say something funny?" Mark asked confused.

I stopped and looked back at Mark. "Nothing. Just that you sound like my father for a second."

Mark shook his head and smiled. "Well sorry!" He said with a goofy grin which made me chuckle again. He looked back down and pointed down at my clothes. "We need to get you new clothes if you have to stay here for a while."

I nod in agreement. "But remember that you won't be able to escape me, (you name)." I turned around to see Darkiplier leaning against the wall. "And you," he pointed to Mark. "she's mine, not yours. Got it?"

Mark snorted. "Yeah what ever." He smiled back at me. "You should go to bed now. I'll wake you up before we go, ok?"

I grinned back. "Ok." I started to walk up the stairs and stopped in my tracks. I turned around to Mark, he still watched me. "And thank you for caring. I mean that." He stared at me and smiled. I walk up the stairs and walked into the guest room. I fell back into the bed and sighed deeply. What am I going to do? The question swarmed in my head as I slowly fell asleep to the sound of silence.

Author's Note ~ Oh yeah, Mark's caring about you. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed that chapter and I'll upload the next soon. Comment and share this story with others if you think it's worthy enough! :) Alrighty, see you in the next part!

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