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Your POV

I stand in front of Mark's apartment door. I stare at the door with blank eyes. I look over to a man next to me. He looked like Mark but with a red and blue eye.
He looked at me and smiled. "Don't be scared. Good old Glitch will be here. Yell for me when you're ready, alright?" He walks away without an answer. I look at the doorknob and turned it.
"Mark!!!! Dark!!!" I yell as I run into the living room.
Darkiplier looked at me in shock. "(Your name)!" He runs over and catches me as I fall. "What happened? Are you injured?"
I start to fake cry. My mind screaming at me. Tell him the truth. Don't let Wilford control your actions. I sniffed at looked at Dark. "It was terrible! He held me captive. Hostage!"
Dark's face changed when he looked into my eyes. He opened his mouth to say something. "(Your name)?" I hear Mark ask.
"Mark!" I run over to him and hugged him.
Good girl. Now to have some fun.

The next day came by fast. It was one and I was bored. I sat down at the kitchen table. I wanna do something. Suddenly a hand slammed down nest to me. I jumped in my seat and looked at the owner. Red eyes burned into mine.
"Your eyes. Their not the same." He says as he examines my eyes. I felt uncomfortable.
"Glitch!! Help!!" I screamed.
Dark backed away from me in shock. In a flash, another man stood behind Dark, his eyes red and blue. "Nice to see you again, Darky." Glitch hummed as he grabbed Dark's throat. He struggled but Glitchiplier had a death grip on him.
I watched as Glitch slammed Dark down on the table, straggling him. Do something, (your name)! My mind clicked back on. I felt like myself once again. I looked at the struggle between the two men. "Stop!!" I yell.
Dark snapped his head towards me and lifted one hand at me. As he pointed to the ceiling, I flew up. He kept his hand there as he glared at me. "Shut up, you traitor!!! You were mind controlled!"
I gasp as I feel a strong force on my stomach, making me gag. "It's not my fault!! He brainwashed me!"
Dark glared at me and coughed as Glitch tightened his grip. "Just give up already. You lost." He whispers into his ear.
"You can't kill a demon, buddy." Dark grins back at the glitch.
He chuckled. "I can try."
Blue electricity shots onto Dark. He screams from the pain, making his arm fall down. I fell finally and smashed onto my back. I gasped for air as I got up. I looked at the men. Dark started to get bright blue lines go up and down him. Glitch is trying to take over him. I rush over to the glitch and lunched him in his side. I felt a shock rush into my arm, making me groan. Glitch let go of Dark and stumbled back into the counter. He looked back at me and grinned. "Warfstache will be pissed."
I shook my arm and glared at him. "Like I care about that asshole."
Glitchiplier rose his hands in defense. "Will I'm sorry to do this then. If you disobey, I have to take you down." He sprinted up to me, faster than I expected. I froze from shock, giving his an evatage. "Bye bye." He punches my stomach, making me fly and smashed unto the wall. I gasped and fell down. I felt him grab my hair, lifting me up. His eyes stared into mine. "Hmm... You would look good if I did that." He place his hand on my chest. I felt a rush of electric run through me. I see bright blue zig zag lines run all over me. I screamed as I felt the force rush into my head. My head felt like it was going to explode. Finally I was released from Glitch's grasp. I fell down on my stomach, shaking still. My vision started to fade, blue lines taking over. Am I finally dying? Or am I being mind controlled again? I closed my eyes and black out as I hear muffles of yells and chuckles.

Author's Note~ Thanks for reading this. I hope you liked it and the next chapter will come out soon! See ya! :D

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