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Your pov

I woke up in a dark room. I looked side to side, standing up from the ground. I felt a sharp pain jolt up my right arm as I got up. I looked down to see a large scratch down my arm, still bleeding. I stare at it and started to remember. This is one of my nightmares, but I haven't had this one in a year. Why now? I shook my head and walk forward, hoping to find someone or something good.

As I walked, I started to hear whispers, but they were just mumbles. I kept walking, the whispers becoming stronger and louder. The voice became more clear.

'She's here, daddy.' I hear a little girl's voice.

I froze and looked behind me where the voice came from. A little girl with long blonde hair stood in front of a man, probably her father, who had short brown hair and a shadow of a beard.

She smiled back slightly. 'Yes sweetly. She's here.'

A scream came behind me. I snapped back and saw the father. A gun pointed up to my head. I froze in shock and fear. He smiled widely and snickered. "GO TO HELL, DEMON!" He yells as he pulls the trigger.

I fall with a thud, feeling the blood coming out. I heard a terrible scream. I looked to my side, seeing another man in front of the father. His eyes were filled with fear and disbelief. The man grabbed the gun and threw it to the side. He then grabbed the dad's throat, lifting him off the ground. He struggled until black smoke went into his mouth. He shook as blood came pouring out of his mouth, before he finally died. The dark figure dropped him and turned to me. I started at him with my eyes half closed. I couldn't see his face yet, shadows covering it.

He came up came up to me and snapped his fingers, making black smoke lift my body up. I couldn't move, just stared at the dark man. I watched him as he reached into his pocket, taking out a black crystal. He grabbed a knife and came closer. I felt a sharp pain as he cut open my chest. He gently placed the crystal into the middle of my chest, clapping his hands, making the cut close. He then snapped his fingers, the smoke dissolved and he carried me in his arms. I looked at the man who looked down at me.

He grinned and placed his hand over my scar where he cut into. "Wake up, (y/n)." I felt a shocking sensation run up and down my body. I felt more alive then ever. I opened my eyes fully, looking at the man. He had pale skin, dark crimson red eyes, black messy hair and sharp canine teeth as he smiled. "Good girl. You are exactly what I've been searching for." He purrs.

I smiled lightly. "Sorry for keeping you waiting, Dark."

I jolt into a sitting position as I woke up. I snapped my head side to side, seeing myself in a small room. I saw Mark look at me and stood up, kneeling at my side. "(Y/n)! Are you ok? How do you feel?"

I blink away my sore eyes, focusing at Mark. His eyes looked tired and terrified. I rubbed my eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't know?" His voice hints confusion.

I nod. "Yeah."

"I told you, Mark." I heard a raspy voice in the door way. I looked up to see Dark shirtless with bandages wrapped around his body, some red in the bandage. He sat down in a chair, back leaning on the back of the chair. "Her memory won't come back for a bit." His eyes flashed at me. "Did you have the dream?"

I tilted my head to the side. "What dream?" Once I said that, I started to remember the strange dream. A huge headache rushed up into my head. I clenched my hand up and grunted, making Mark jump.

I heard Darkiplier sigh and straighten in his chair. "I'll take that as a yes."

I nod. "Yeah. You...." I looked at him. "You did it." He looked away, half of his face in the shadow. "But why?"

"Because. I've seen a lot of children with red souls," he looked back at me. "But none like yours. Once your father killed you, I took the opportunity. You were small, so you didn't remember it until now."

I lower my head and placed my hand on my chest. The feeling of power surged through my chest. "So you turned me into a demon?"

He stayed silent until he answered. "Not really." I snapped my head at him. "I gave you another life. With a Dark Crystal. Comes in handy."

I nodded, trying to processes the information. "Is that why you took me? Or why I have no memory of my childhood?"

He nods. "Taking you was because you looked interested in me and because you looked like a demon either way. Your memory of your past is blocked. Locked in the back of your mind."

"My father. Why did he kill me?" I ask my last question.

Dark grinned, his white teeth flashing from the moon light. "He saw that you were acting stranger each day. Then one day, your eyes changed, personality, and dark smoke came out of my mouth, making him scared. On your 3rd birthday, he took you to the woods where I watched patiently, and he shot you square in the face." He clenched his hands into a fist. "So good to take something so strong for yourself."

I stayed silent as he chuckled softly. Mark looked at me in concern. "What did you feel like when you fought with him?"

I thought for a while and then grinned. "Like I was drowning. And not in water. In thick black liquid."

Author's Note~ Hey guys! Hope you liked that dark chapter. It was interesting to write and took a lot of Edie before I was satisfied with it. :) I'll make the next chapter later. See you later!

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